
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Laser Skin Treatments for Wrinkles

Fighting off the telltale signs of aging skin, like fine lines and wrinkles? Skin laser treatments can renew your complexion, often with little down time and cumulative results.

When even prescription-strength wrinkle creams, like topical tretinoin (Renova and Retin A), aren’t strong enough to smooth out the wrinkles and fine lines of aging skin, it might be time to consider Plan B — doctor’s office procedures that use high-tech laser therapies to resurface skin.

Already in demand, lasers are growing in popularity because they can be well controlled by the practitioners administering them. Unlike chemical peels that burn off skin layers or dermabrasion that sands them off, lasers either vaporize (ablative treatments) or heat (non-ablative treatments) skin layers. Using heat causes the tissues to tighten and stimulates collagen production, and collagen makes the skin firmer and thicker.

Three Types of Skin Lasers
There are three primary types of skin laser treatments, each resulting in a different degree of smoothing with a corresponding amount of recovery time:
  • Non-ablative rejuvenation. The most gentle of the three skin laser approaches, non-ablative (or non-wound creating) skin lasers work the best on early-stage fine lines and wrinkles. A non-ablative procedure typically requires no recovery time; it also produces the least dramatic results.
  • Fractional rejuvenation. A step up from non-ablative skin layering, fractional procedures provides somewhat deeper rejuvenation, so more noticeable wrinkle reduction can be achieved, with a somewhat longer recovery time. Patients who don’t want to deal with the risks and recovery time of ablative laser resurfacing but who want their aging skin tightened often opt for fractional rejuvenation. Technology advances in fractional skin lasers and the demand for low-risk procedures are giving rise to a growing interest in this level of laser work.
  • Ablative resurfacing. After surgical procedures, ablative laser resurfacing is the most invasive procedure for the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. The heat from the laser actually causes a visible wound on the skin, so recovery time is required; this can last two to three weeks. This procedure works well for patients with deep wrinkles and extensive sun damage.
Skin Laser Treatment Pros, Cons, and Other Considerations
The best part about using skin lasers to treat wrinkles is that, aside from the ablative procedures, laser treatments generally require little to no recovery time. Some patients report a noticeable decrease in wrinkles after just one treatment, but most require a series of treatments over four to six months, during which time gradual changes occur.
Another upside to the gentleness of these treatments is that side effects are very rare and, when they do occur, they are usually mild. There may be some swelling or soreness, but the most commonly seen side effect is redness around the treated area; usually, makeup can be applied immediately after treatment to help hide it. People who undergo skin-tightening laser treatments need to wear sunscreen on the treated area.
Due to skin laser treatments’ non-invasive nature, skin resurfacing candidates should not expect the same rejuvenation that can be achieved with more radical procedures. And for most patients, results from non-ablative skin laser treatments for wrinkles will only last for about one year or so.
Costs for skin laser treatments for wrinkles vary widely depending on the doctor, and insurance policies typically do not cover wrinkle-reduction procedures because they are elective.
If a skin laser treatment is within your budget and you understand the limitations of the procedure you select, smoother, fresher skin can be in your future.

For more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com
Skin Care Products and Advise http://www.life.sm4.biz


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