
Saturday, 8 March 2014

How To Lose Fat From Your Face

How To Lose Fat From Your Face
There is one benefit from retaining some fat on the face which is to lessen the appearance of wrinkles however there comes a time when it is not choice of a chubby face after certain age group. In order to lose face fat it is necessary to lose weight from entire body also this can be accompanied by some facial exercises which are known to help in giving shape to the face.
Below given are the instructions to help remove the bloated look from face by losing face fat much faster than normal procedure giving slimmer look to the face getting rid of double chin that has been troubling face from many years.
  • Drink sufficient water: This will make sure that the body is hydrate apart from which it is also said to remove harm causing toxins from the body leaving it healthy. Bloated look on the face can be result of dehydration hence thinner look of face is only possible with proper hydration for face.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Home Remedies For Weight Loss

remedies for weight lossReducing the weight of a person by removing the fat deposits of the body is known as weight loss. People who are overweight or obese have to opt for various home remedies for weight loss to reduce the risk of developing various health conditions related to obesity like diabeteshypertension etc. There are an alarming number of people out there suffering from overweight and who want to do weight loss. For many people diets will not work for weight loss. They can opt for various easily accessible home remedies for weight loss to control their weight.

Signs Or Symptoms Which Show That You Need Weight Loss

Having some of the following signs and symptoms shows that you need some kind of weight loss to remain healthy.
  1. A higher than normal body mass index or BMI
  2. The scale showing that you have gained weight
  3. Clothes feeling tighter and needs larger size
  4. Having bulged waist
  5. Breathing problems
  6. High blood pressure
  7. Diabetes
  8. Joint pain

The Causes Of Overweight Or Obesity

The causes of obesity which make it necessary for a person to go for weight loss remedies are:
1. Unhealthy Diet
Having a diet rich in calories and eating over sized portions can lead to overweight problem.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

12 Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff At Home

Get Rid Of Dandruff At Home
Dandruff is a form of skin eczema or a skin condition which usually occurs in parts of the body where there is high incidence of oil or sebum production. It is a common condition that affects the scalp of many men and women. Many men are found to suffer such a problem and become the butt of jokes among their friends. It is also seen as a sign of poor personal hygiene. Thus, even if dandruff is a common problem, many people see it is as an indication of poor lifestyle and hygiene choices. Men are scared of wearing black suits or shirts as they are scared that this problem will be revealed and they will be ridiculed in society. There are several causes that can be attributed to it and many home remedies that can be tried effectively to deal with such a skin condition.

Causes Of Dandruff

While many people think that dryness of the scalp leads to dandruff, it is usually the opposite and there could be several reasons attributed to it.

How To Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Weight Loss After Pregnancy
There is one upsetting fact that keeps bothering new moms: that they won’t be able to achieve weight loss goals to shed off those pounds they have gained during pregnancy. It is important to mention here that gaining weight throughout pregnancy is not a thing that can be controlled, that’s a sure fact! It happens that with every month of pregnancy your body weight gets bigger not only through the enlarged womb, but also with gradually putting on extra weight.
For this reason you should approach the after-pregnancy weight loss plan in a gradual way. It is unhealthy to resort to those fad diets that are said to help you lose weight in a fast way. You need to have a weight loss plan that doesn’t put to much strain or stress on your body. This is very important fact to keep in mind.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Natural Homemade Shampoo Recipes – How to Make Organic Hair Shampoo

Have you ever thought about making your own shampoo?
I know, I know. With the dozens, if not hundreds, of commercial shampoos available to us, why bother making our own, right?
Well, before I get into exactly how to make your own shampoo, I want to stress the reasons why you should consider this option in the first place:
Benefit #1: Saving Money
Like with most things, homemade shampoo is far cheaper than commercial bought shampoo. Especially if you have a larger family, making your own shampoo is going to save money for you.

Benefit #2: Better for You
Do you know what all those chemicals are in your commercial shampoo and conditioner?
Me neither. The FDA doesn’t regulate what companies put in personal care products, which means most of us have no idea what the chemicals are or how they could be affecting us. The majority of large companies like Suave, Pantene, and Aussie use chemicals that have been linked to cancer, immunotoxicity, allergies and more. You can find out more by checking out this Skin Deep page and looking up your own shampoo.
Making your own shampoo is safer for you and your family because you’re using natural ingredients.

4 Best Natural Acne Treatments at home

pimple girlAs anyone who has suffered from skin blemishes knows, acne remedies don’t come cheap and the costs really add up when you have to switch around to find something that works. As a teen, I was lucky enough to only get a few pimples here and there. Fast forward to my twenties, though, and I’ve developed a relatively mild form of late-onset acne on my face, chest, and back, so spots have been pretty much a constant occurrence for the last few years.
I tried the traditional commercial acne treatments, none of which proved effective. Most were just plain useless, but some made the spots worse and affected the surrounding skin. My dermatologist then steered me towards acne treatments that included salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, but these proved too harsh for my skin and often left it looking worse than before. At a loss, I started experimenting with natural remedies, which have proven more effective and much easier on the wallet!

The Benefits of Homemade Spot Treatments

If your skin is similar to mine, you’re probably also sick of spending money on products that do nothing to clear your skin up quickly. My solution was to make my own natural acne treatments from scratch. I’ve already experimented with making my own green and natural skincare products, so I knew how easy it was to make effective products at home. Making the switch to homemade acne treatments really had two big incentives:
1. Saving money: I used to think nothing of handing over $10 for a spot treatment, only to pay it all over again the next month when the treatment had no lasting effects. On average, I spent well over $100 a year and what did I have to show for it? Certainly not better skin!
2. Greater control: Now that I’ve taken control of my pimple remedies, I know exactly what I’m putting on my skin. A quick glance at the ingredients list on most skincare products freaks me out—I don’t recognize half of the ingredients. Making your own products takes that concern away because you get to decide what goes into them.

4 Effective Natural Acne Remedies

After some experimenting and research on natural spot-treatments, I have narrowed it down to these 4 simple, inexpensive homemade beauty skincare recipes that are worth a try:

1. Yogurt Face Mask

natural spot treatments
Why it works: Yogurt acts as a gentle natural cleanser thanks to its antibacterial properties. Even better, yogurt that contains probiotics is recommended for improving skin conditions, including acne. You can also add other ingredients to enhance the mask’s benefits. Try oatmeal, for example, which gently exfoliates and helps to tighten pores.
What to do: Take 2 tablespoons of plain low fat yogurt and apply a thin layer to your face (the oil in full-fat yogurt can make your skin greasy). Allow it to dry and rinse off with lukewarm water. To make a yogurt and oatmeal face mask, just add a handfuls of oatmeal to the yogurt, mix into a paste and leave in the refrigerator for a few hours to give the oatmeal a chance to absorb some of the yogurt. Apply to the face, leave for around 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
Where to buy: You can pick up plain yogurt and oatmeal in most grocery stores. If you’d prefer to use finely milled oatmeal instead of the regular variety for milder exfoliation, you can find it in most health stores.
The verdict: When I first tried a basic yogurt face mask, I had several large spots that showed no signs of disappearing so I wasn’t too hopeful of seeing any positive results. My spots didn’t magically clear up overnight, but they definitely looked less inflamed and weren’t as noticeable. Now that I’ve been using the face mask on a twice-a-week basis for several months, I’ve seen a good improvement in the condition of my skin, and my low-grade acne is even starting to clear up.

10 Effective Natural Ways to Burn Belly Fat Tips

Every woman loves to fit into the slim jeans that she has in her wardrobe. But, more often than not, she would be finding it difficult to wear the jeans due to the excess baggage that she is carrying around her waistline. If you are also a victim of excessive fat deposits around your waistline, then you need not worry about it anymore. You also do not need to undergo painful and expensive medical procedures to get rid of the excess belly fat. There are less painful and cost effective tips that you can follow that will help you to get the desired belly size that you have been longing for some time. The following are some of the belly flattening tips that have been suggested by experienced nutrition and health experts to shrink your tummy size to size zero.  These tips will help you to easily wear those slim fit and low waist jeans that you always wanted to wear.

1.    Eat During The Magic Hour

It is considered by many nutrition and well being experts that the time between 3 pm and 4 pm is the magic hour. It is the ideal time for you to eat a diet rich in proteins. You can think of munching on a small piece of low fat cheese, or a protein bar or some almonds with an organic apple. Make certain that you eat the protein snack every single day.

•    This snack will help in boosting your metabolism and balancing your sugar levels.
•    It will help in lowering your insulin levels which will in turn reduce the fat stored in your belly area.
•    Make sure that you eat every 3 to 4 hours to maintain blood sugar levels.