
Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Stress related skin disorder, Stress related skin conditions

If you are under severe stress, your body produces excess amount of cartisol and testosterone, which are responsible for production of excess oil production. This condition leads to acne and other related skin disorders. Production of these hormones also leads to sleep disorders, blood circulation problems and hinders working of lymphatic system. These then lead to dark circles and puffiness of the eye.
Stress is the main cause of hampering the blood flow to skin, which in turn is, directed towards other organs of the body. This condition interferes with the cell renewal process and thus cell damaging free radicals gets a big boost. These in turn leads to ageing early and dull skin amongst others.
Stress could also suppress skin immune system and increase its sensitivity, which in turn leads to redness, itching, allergies, and blotchiness and at last eczema. The facial muscles could tighten up that leads to expression lines becoming permanent. Collagen could also get damaged due result of this condition. The permeability of skin could also be affected by stress thus delaying the wound healing process.
The medication for skin disorders caused by stress could be a two way process. Getting rid of stress and with a proper skin regimen. One has to work on the lifestyle properly to get rid of this type of disorder permanently.
Stress Reliever exercise: This process will take just 10-15 minutes and should be repeated 3-4 times in a week. Find a silent room in your house and put lavender scent before the beginning of the exercise. Cut thin slices of vegetables like cucumber, carrot etc and put it on your skin. Think of the stress as a tangible element and ebb out each limb slowly.
Contact your dermatologist for a proper skin regimen as it highly depends on the amount of damage and type of skin your have. Finally, lead a stress less life - ENJOY.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Food For Beautiful Skin - Healthy Food For Beautiful Skin

The food that goes into your body directly reflects on the outward side of your body as well. Since food is your body's fuel, whatever you put into it is what you will get out of it. Now, think about that last meal you had. Was it food for beautiful skin? Or, perhaps it was a trip to the local fast food location.
The good news is that you can eat a healthy, well balanced diet and get rewarded with beautiful skin. Of course, there are also plenty of myths out there as well. To help you to learn what is the right thing to eat and what is anything but that, take a look at these tips for healthy skin.
  • Add in a well balanced diet. Yes, you have heard it before but a well balanced diet is essential for beautiful skin. You don't have to eat raw vegetables and boring foods, but you do need to eat your share of vitamins and nutrients.
  • For wrinkle prevention, you can add some carrots to your diet. If you do not like them, go ahead and grate them up and place them in your salad or even in your tomato sauce. You won't really taste them but they will get into you. Do the same thing with fresh spinach. Add them to a salad, get the rewards of wrinkle free skin and don't worry about it.
  • Eating chocolate or greasy French fries does not cause acne! This is a just a myth that is out there. Yet, many people should avoid these foods anyway. To get rid of acne that you have, eat a well balanced diet that is rich in antioxidants. There is no fighting the fact that you may gain some weight with chocolate and French fries, but you will not have acne because of them.
  • Eating broccoli, carrots and milk can help to protect your skin in a number of ways. It will look beautiful and it will also help you to have less risk of diseases on your skin. They can help protect you from UV rays and help to prevent some forms of cancer. Of course, they are just good for your body too!
  • Other foods that are good for your body include: Fish, flax-seed, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, hazelnuts, almonds and other foods that are rich in Vitamin A.
To have beautiful skin, start with the foods that you eat. You can find a wide range of wonderful recipes that are designed to provide healthy, wonderful foods that will also benefit the way that your skin feels. Take some time to make sure your diet is balanced and you will benefit in the lon
for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Skin and Beauty Care During Your Pregnancy

During pregnancy your skin will likely change as much as the rest of your body will be changing. Unfortunately, you probably will not like the way that your skin is changing either. Most of the changes that do happen will happen because of the hormones in your body. Yes, you can blame your skin care on your hormones too!
So, what can you do to really get a good looking skin care while you are pregnant? Here are some great tips to keeping your skin looking amazing.
  • Don�t use soap. Using soap on your face can really cause it to dry out. This will remove the natural oils in your skin. Instead of doing this, you can benefit by using a body wash product instead. There are many high quality products that you can use including those that have essential oils in them. The result will be that you have a healthy glow.
  • Check your labels. Some of your current products may work perfectly for you. Just turn over the label and insure this by looking at the directions provided. As long as they do not tell you not to use them while you are pregnant they can work for you.
  • Use your UV protection. It is very important to protect your skin when you head out into the sun light. When you are pregnant this is even more so the case. So, make sure that giving it a UV protection anytime you go outdoors protects your skin. Make sure you do this even in the winter months.
  • Eat well. To promote healthy skin during pregnancy make sure that you eat well. That means skipping the greasy fast food stuff and heading for natural, whole foods including lots of vegetables and fruits. Many of them provide high levels of antioxidants that will help to give your skin a healthy feel. Of course, you should be eating this way for baby anyway.
  • React to what your skin is doing. It is very common for some women to have a more oily skin during pregnancy. For others, it will end up being a drier skin tone than they are used to. Whatever your skin does, you should purchase and use treatments for it that fit with that specific need. React to your skin with the right skin care products.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Weight Loss and Health Center

Tips for Health and Fitness

Everyone wants to be healthy and strong.  Feeling fit and at your personal best impacts every area of your life in most cases.  It affects how often you are using sick time taken from work, how you respond in your relationships and how you feel in your daily life.  Try some things from the list below and see how some simple changes can create great impact on your health and fitness state:

1. Use Herbs and Vitamins

It is true that some herbal supplements and vitamins out there on the market aren’t worth the price of their packaging and some are actually dangerous to your health there are many others proven to be great tools that can be used to increase health and fitness. It’s never a bad idea to check with your physician, a reputable nutritionist, or you can even consult your local health food store for information on what may be the best combination of supplements for your body.

2. Get some decent sleep

Sleep has been proven time and again to affect your health which then affects fitness as most people will not exercise and take care of nutritional needs if they are chronically tired. Sleep really does affect your health status.  Recent sleep studies indicate that as a nation we are very sleep deprived which contributes to increased car wrecks due to micro-napping or distraction as well as irritability affecting all those around you. If you are not getting the proper amount of sleep, you will notice it in a visceral and very physical way. Generally experts recommend six to eight hours a night for most people although adolescents tend to sleep much more than that amount.

3. Reduce negative stress

Not all stress is a bad thing.  Some stress occurs during all your daily life activities and cannot be totally eliminated however you are in control of how negative stress affects you and your health and fitness levels.  No doubt you’ve heard all this before but it is important to begin implementing a program to reduce stress. Take 5 minute breaks throughout the day to deep breathe or take a short walk.  Remind yourself of the things you can control and try to coach yourself into letting go of all the things which are not in your control.

4. Lighten up and laugh

Laughter truly can be the best medicine for you.  Laughter produces positive endorphins and “feel good” chemicals in the brain and body.  It stimulates the lymph system which releases excess fluids from the body.  Watch your favorite funny movies or listen to a laugh machine which can be obtained at most joke or party stores.  Strange as it sounds you can hardly keep from laughing when listening to even canned laughter.  Attend comedy shows and theater events based on comedy or light hearted story lines. Spend time with family and friends who make you laugh which will help you put stressful times in perspective and just generally make you feel wonderful!
Making some simple changes can positively impact your health and fitness state of being.  It’s not hard to make small adjustments and just think how much better your daily life will be when you are feeling at your best!

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Physical Activity Reduces Risk of Second Heart Attack

Physical activity after a first heart attack reduces the chances of a recurrence, according to a recent survey conducted by the University of Texas - Houston Health Science Center.
More than 400 Texans, aged 25 to 74, who survived at least four weeks after a first heart attack, were interviewed. Half were Mexican American, half were non-Hispanic white, and about one third were women.
Those who increased their activity after their first heart attack had a 78 percent lower risk of a second heart attack, and an 89 percent lower risk of death from all causes, than those who remained sedentary.
Those who maintained their level of activity after their first heart attack had a 60 percent lower risk of a second heart attack, and a 79 percent lower risk of death from all causes, than those who remained sedentary.
Those who decreased their activity had the same risk of a second heart attack as those who remained sedentary, but a 51 percent lower risk of death from all causes, possibly due to a protective effect of earlier activity.
Results were similar regardless of other factors which could affect the risk of a second heart attack: age, sex, ethnicity, severity of the first heart attack, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and a family history of heart diseas
for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com