
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Clearing and Treating Your Acne

Acne is a common skin condition in teenagers and adults. Most people tend outgrow their acne problem by their late 20s; however, many women can continue acne problems through their 40′s. Since our skin is our body’s largest organ, it can be prone to several conditions, including acne.
Acne is a complex condition that can involve several parts of the body. Acne usually shows up as eruptions on the face and else where on your skin. This is usually your indication that there are problems within your body and acne is prone to occur. Acne can be caused by a toxic colon, poor food digestion, potentially weak liver and conditions that may cause the blood to carry high toxins. Acne typically occurs on the face but is known to occur on the back, chest, shoulders and neck. Acne is caused from impurities and imbalances within the body, For this reason, we treat the acne problems with cleansing treatments that goes right to the source and fights acne before it even begins. Whiteheads and blackheads are clogged bacteria in pores and cause acne.
To clear and treat acne, there are several things you must do because you should not expect acne to go away instantly in one treatment. There are several creams on the market and sometimes using your acne cream treatment can clear your acne, but this is rare, for acne is recurring. When you control your stress levels, you help control the stress hormone which causes acne. You need to get your ample amount of fresh air and sunshine daily to control acne as well. Prevention and treatment advice from a dermatologist for how to handle acne is important. Many basic steps can help you improve and control your acne. You should be careful not scrub any acne breakouts, for this can aggravate and make the acne problem worse and leave acne scars.
Over the counter acne creams, well planned diets and herbal treatments, and colon cleanse systems are some of the many actions needed to help treat and clear acne. It will take a combination of several steps to clear acne. It’s important to use natural products on your skin to prevent acne. Avoiding hair care products such as gels, mousses, and cream can help reduce acne

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HomeMade Pimple Herbal Powder To cure pimples fast

The best way to cure Pimples faster is applying Indian homemade pimple powder paste. How? Please let me share my Indian Grandma secret Recipes here, so you can cure the Acne, pimples, and other unwanted skin eruptions faster.

It is easy to prepare the herbal pimple paste but before you need to gather following Indian herbal powders. These natural indian herbals are hard to find especially if you are living abroad. If you are living in USA then you can check the local Indian grocery stores named “ Subzi Mandi“ “Apna Bazaar” some of them you can find in Chinese stores too.

How to apply this homemade pimple cure powder paste?
Easier than you can prepare. Simply take sufficient quantity of pimple remedy paste and mix it with curd, keep it dry for 2 - 3 minutes then apply on the face every day 2-3 times a day. You see substantial changes on your faces. Acnes. pimples and other unwanted skin pores and skin eruptions soon disappear in 5 or 6 days of time period.

How to Prepare the Pimple Powder Paste?  

Natural Pimple Cure Powder Recipe ingredients

Neem patra powder (Melia azadirachta) 3 Grams
Lodhra white powder(Symplocus racermosa) 1.5 Grams
Harda powder (Curcuma longa) 1.2 Grams
Dam haridra powder(Barberis aristata) 0.5 Grams
Ratanjali powder(Pteris santalinus) 0.5 Grams
Sukhad powder (Chandan) 0.5 Grams
Sugandhi khus powder (Andropogon muricatus) 0.5 Grams
Mulethi powder (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 0.5 Grams
Manjistha powder (Rubia cordi folia) 0.5 Grams
Mindhol powder (Randia dumetorum) 0.25 Grams
Mayu powder (Quercus infectoria) 0.25 Grams
Vaj powder (Acorus calamus) 0.10 Grams

Hopefully say you have found all the ingredients, mix all the powder together. And keep it in cool dry place in a bottle. Please make sure you don’t use the Plastics or Metal case to store our homemade pimple powder.

In case you couldn’t find the herbal ingredients you can still try other remedies to naturally cure the pimples or Homemade Calamine Lotion and mint herbal leaves pimple cure.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

How To Increase Metabolism Easily, Effectively, and Long Term

We all know someone who seemingly never stops eating, is always hungry, and never seems to gain a pound. Then there are others who are less fortunate who seem to gain weight just by looking at a serve of pasta. What’s going on? Well it all basically comes down to metabolism. Your metabolism is simply the manner in which your body burns up energy. Someone with a higher resting metabolism is going to burn more calories while watching TV than someone with a slower metabolism. However, all is not lost. Read on for some simple tips on how to increase metabolism.
Eat protein. Breaking down the energy from high quality low fat protein source requires the body to use more energy than to break down the energy from sugar or fat. Incorporating small serves of eggs, fish, lean poultry and lean beef with each meal will force your body’s metabolism to increase.
Incorporate high fiber into your meals such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Not only will the fiber leave you feeling fuller, but your body’s metabolism will have to speed up to try and break down the fiber.

Add muscle to your physique.
 The more muscle tone you have, the more calories your body will burn each and every day. Yet another great reason to hit the gym.
Sleep well. Lack of sleep can wreak havoc with your metabolism. If you want to increase your metabolism getting a good night’s sleep would have to be one of the easiest ways.
Small snacks often. OK, first up, we mean healthy snacks, not pizza and beer 5 times daily! We also don’t mean for you to eat 5-6 huge meals daily. Rather, look at what you currently eat in a day and divide this amount into 5 smaller meals rather than 3 big meals. Eating every 2-3 hours stops the body from going into starvation mode and keeps your metabolism really buzzing along.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
. Research has shown that including 300mg daily of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA together will enable your body to increase fat burning hormones and decrease the fat storage hormones. The results? A possible surge in metabolism by up to 400 calories daily (according to researchers from the University of Western Ontario.)

Exercise effectively.
 Multiple muscle exercises will speed up your metabolism, not singular, as is mentioned in the truth about six pack abs book. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is an extremely effective method for revving up your metabolism and burning calories for hours afterwards (known as afterburn). For further information on HIIT you may like to read this article. Incorporating heavier than normal weights in your routine can also boost your metabolism, as your body will have to work harder to repair all those tiny muscle tears.

Get moving.
 Keep yourself on the move. Toss away the remote and force yourself off the couch. Take the stairs. Ride a bike instead of driving.  Take your kids to a park or play with them in the yard. Walk to the corner store instead of driving. The more you move around, the more calories your body is forced to burn and the faster your metabolism will run.
Boosting your metabolism can be achieved simply and effectively. Smarter eating and exercising, along with adequate quality sleep and the inclusion of fish oils on a daily basis can dramatically burn more calories.

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Natural Weight Loss Effective Alternative To Fad Diets And Pills

There are countless weight-loss remedies on the market. While many diet drugs and weight loss fads may produce results, there are risks associated with such weight loss remedies. Natural weight loss is more effective in the long run and is easily the safest option.
A safer and more effective way to lose weight is to simply eat healthy. During a recent meeting of the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston scientists presented findings highlighting the risks of chemicals in certain foods and diet drugs.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has endorsed a combination of a sensible diet and exercise to achieve reasonable weight loss goals for years. Research isn’t needed to show that natural weight loss methods, such as avoiding foods high in calories, starch and sugar, produce results.
The reason for the popularity of quick-fix weight loss remedies is a desire to see results almost immediately. According to the American Medical Association, the recommended amount of weight to loss is about 1-2 pounds a week or about 3-5 pounds a month. Those with more drastic weight loss needs may loss greater amounts of weight with certain diets, but should only do so under a doctor’s supervision.
Natural weight loss starts with common sense. Weight loss through deprivation will only produce temporary results. The key to successful weight loss is moderation. Breakfast, lunch and dinner can still be enjoyed, as long as the portions are reasonable. Snacks in between meals should be some type of fruit. Fruits high in fat such as coconuts and avocado should be avoided or only enjoyed now and then.
Drinking plenty of water is not just an old saying, but a proven way to remain hydrated without ingesting unnecessary calories. Natural fruit juices and skim or low-fat milk can be included too. If a diet becomes boring it becomes more of a chore rather than a way of life. In other words, it’s easy to stray.
One of the common misconceptions of diet and weight loss is that certain foods are off limits no matter what. Eating pizza or cake everyday will obviously not produce results, but an occasional treat will not do any harm. A good way to retain motivation for a diet is to allow for a “crazy day” or a certain day once a week or month where you can eat whatever you want without guilt.
The American Dietetic Association agrees with other studies that recommend you stop eating at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. When we sleep, our metabolism slows down. Our metabolism is what helps us to burn calories. Since our metabolism is slower at night, eating before bed means that the food we consume has a better chance of being turned into fat by our bodies.
Dieting alone will not help you lose weight, you have to incorporate exercise into your life. Exercise can be as simple as walking instead of taking the stairs or walking to the store down the street instead of taking the car. Exercise can also be fun. Things like going to the park after work with your kids or walking your dog or starting a game of tag with some friends are all fun ways to get in some exercise.
A famous comic strip cat once proclaimed that “diet is die with a t.” This does not have to be case. All you need is common sense. Cutting back on portions, eating more fruit, drinking more water, staying away from fattening foods, getting some exercise and a little will power and motivation can be surprisingly effective in losing weight. No fad diets required.

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Are Vitamins And Health Supplements Good Insurance?

Are you one of the 50% of the population in the United States who takes vitamins and health supplements on a daily basis? Do you really need to? Are they doing you more harm than good? Do you think they are a good form of insurance?
There is never going to be a substitute for fresh and colorful foods on a daily basis. In a perfect world we would all be eating our recommended doses of each and every food group each and every day. Fresh foods contain phytochemicals, micronutrients, fiber, and natural antioxidants that can never be replicated quite the same in a tablet. Interestingly, while it is impossible to consume toxic levels of antioxidants from real foods, this is easily achievable with mega-dose antioxidant supplements.
Sadly, it is estimated that only 25% of Americans achieve the recommended daily dietary requirements. For the other 75%, eating enough fresh fruits, vegetable, dairy, and whole grains can often be a real challenge. (The only food group that Americans as a group do manage to consume to the recommended requirement is the fat group, which most people are guilty of over consuming.)

What should you really be eating daily:
* 3 glasses of milk, or other source of calcium.
* 1 1/2 cups of fresh fruit
* 2 1/2 cups vegetables
* 6 ounces whole grains
* 5 ounces beans, meat, or some other form of protein
* maximum of 5 teaspoons of vegetable oil, such as olive or canola.
Those who could benefit from daily vitamin supplements include:
* Women planning on becoming pregnant in the near future are recommended to take folic acid and pre-natal vitamins. Pregnant and nursing mothers may also need supplements but should check with their health care provider first.
* Those whose diets are lacking in fresh fruits and vegetables, calcium, whole grains or protein.
* Those who consume too much alcohol.
* Those who have had some forms of gastric bypass weight loss surgery. (The removal of some parts of the stomach and bowel can reduce the absorption of nutrition from foods.)
* Those who have suffered from major illnesses and operations (check with your doctor first to ensure the supplements will not interact with your other medications.)
* Those who regularly skip meals.
* Those who exercise vigorously on a very regular basis.
* Those people who may exclude whole food groups from their diet, for example vegetarians or vegans.
* Anyone whose doctor says they should do so.
* Supplements should never be used as a substitute for foods.
* Some supplements can interact with other medications including the Pill, anti-depressants, heart medications, and blood thinners, to mention only a few. Be sure to talk to your doctor.
* When it comes to vitamins, bigger is not always better. Beware of mega doses. Research has shown that some vitamins and supplements including Vitamins A and E, selenium, copper, zinc, and iron, and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, may actually be harmful in large doses.
* Never exceed the recommended daily allowance per vitamin or mineral.
* Always check the expiry date. If there is no date on the label purchase another brand.
* Be leery of astonishing claims. Vitamins should be used to protect against dietary deficiencies only.
* Store your vitamins in a cool and dry place. Check whether or not they need to be stored in the refrigerator.
* Keep out of reach of children.
* Children should only be ever given vitamins specifically manufactured for children. Adult doses may well be unsuitable and harmful for a little person. Children have dramatically different dietary requirements to adults.
* Remember that in the US vitamin companies are not policed by the FDA, unless claims are made against a product. Yes, you read right, there has to be a complaint before these products are investigated. It can be a great idea to stick with well known and reputable manufacturers.
* If you are unsure, consult your doctor first.

Vitamins should be used as an insurance policy to ensure that essential vitamins and minerals are not lacking from your system. Vitamins and supplements can be beneficial for those who lead hectic lives and skip meals. However, supplements are never going to be better for you than a healthy well balanced diet. Care should be taken to never exceed the recommended daily dose, and at the time of publication, mega dose supplements have found to be harmful.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Monday, 30 May 2011

Low Calorie Snacks: Recipe Ideas for Tasty, Healthy Snacking Choices

Some Rules for Choosing Healthy Snacks

Low calories snacks can be a great alternative when you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your weight. Of course, they aren’t always the most appetizing options available and often don’t keep you full enough to forgo other non-healthy items later in the day. The good news is there are many tasty and healthy low calories snacks for adults which can not only keep your taste buds happy but also keep you from getting hungry between meals.
  1. Choose Filling Snack Foods: Studies show there are certain types of foods which can make you feel fuller for longer periods of time. If you want to stick to your diet program or plan, it’s important to feel full so you don’t binge between meals. Foods which are high in fiber are the best options, as scientists know fiber works with the body to keep you feeling full for longer periods of time. Some examples are: high fiber cereal, handful of nuts, veggies with hummis, low sugar greek yogurt.
  2. Choose Simple and Easy Foods: If you have to take an hour for the preparation of your snack, chances are you won’t force yourself to eat it very often. After all, who has an hour each day to make snack? When thinking of snacks, choose recipes or preparations which require very little time. Easy options include fresh fruit and vegetables with low calorie yogurt dips. Keep these things available in your home or office so you can quickly grab them to satisfy your hunger without wrecking your diet plan. Try prepacking snacks like nuts and veggies into single serving that are easy to grab and go.
  3. Choose to Portion Control Healthy Snacks: When eating snack, portions count! So, keep your snacks in small portions to calm your craving but also keep you within your required low-calorie range. The best options to go for if you have trouble with portions are the pre-packaged 100 calorie options at your grocery store. Companies like Quaker and Nabisco make it easy for adults to get low calorie snacks without requiring much thought or effort. With these incredibly delicious and easy options, you have no excuses!
  4. Choose Small Indulgences on Any Eating Plan or Diet: Sure, you can have a sweet or “forbidden” treat every now and again before or after your meal (like a square of dark chocolate). But again, you must think about eating a small amount of high calorie foods, to turn them into a low calorie snack option. If you don’t think you can control yourself to eat just a small amount, skip it altogether.

Healthy Snacks Between Meals Help Prevent Over Eating at Meals

Staying fit with healthy low calorie snacks for adults is important if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating low calorie snacks for adults is a great way to stay on track with your diet plan or program. Eating healthy can help you lose weight and keep your cholesterol and blood pressure under control. Remember, being healthy is not only about what you eat but also how active you remain. So, get outside or to the gym for physical activity at least three times as week.
for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Use Eye Makeup to Make Small Eyes Appear Larger.

Chances are if you’re like most other women, you’ve always wanted larger eyes. While we can’t change our genetic make up, the good news is we can create the illusion of larger eyes with eye makeup tricks and tips. In fact, if you’ve ever noticed a celebrity photographed without makeup you most likely have noticed how much smaller their eyes look than their photos where they are all dressed up and made over for most red carpet events.

Make Eyes Appear Larger With These Simple Makeup Tips

  • Curl Your Lashes - One of the easiest secrets to utilizing eye makeup routine to correctly make your eyes look larger is to curl your eyelashes. It’s important you curl your lashes BEFORE you apply the mascara! If you forget to do it before applying your dark mascara, be sure to wait until the mascara has dried completely and then go ahead and curl them. If you find throughout the day your lashes aren’t as curled as they were in the morning when you first applied your makeup, you can always re-curl them later in the day since your mascara will be very dry by then.
  • Apply Mascara on Your Bottom Lashes - Many women think they don’t need mascara on their bottom eye lashes. However, most makeup experts believe adding mascara to the lower lashes can help to enlarge their appearance. The trick is to know how much to use on those bottom lashes! Start by applying the mascara to the top lashes. Then, with whatever is left on your brush (without redipping it into the mascara formula), apply it to the lower lashes. Hold your brush vertically and sweep it back and forth over the lower lashes to get the right look.
  • False Lashes for Evening - If you want to go for a dramatic dark night time effect, you may want to try your hand at false lashes. Most celebrities do use false lashes for big events. If you know how to do the lash application properly, they can be beautiful and natural. Many larger department stores can help you learn how to apply lashes at one of their cosmetics and beauty products counters but they are also available at drugstores. Be sure to practice before your big event. You can also remember to use scissors to trim them (before applying them) if they are too long.
  • Use White Eye Liner in the Right Places - Another technique to use involves the creamy white eye liner pencil. This can help you get a doe-eyed style that will brighten and widen your eye appearance. To get this look, simply line the lower inside of your lids with the creamy white eye pencil. Make sure to use a soft pencil to lessen the irritaion on your lid. You can find great liners from Sephora, Loreal or Estee Lauder. To further brighten your eye area, use this soft color also on the inside corner of both the upper and lower lids.
  • Apply Highlight Eye Shadow - If you don’t like the idea of the white shade of liner, you can also use a platinum highlighter to open up the eye area. Simply apply your shadow as usual and then use the highlighter on small dots along your browbone just below your eyebrow. Blend it in with the shadow in that area, apply it to the inner corners of the eyes and enjoy your new look.
  • Keep Eye Brows Plucked & Well Shaped - For larger appearing eyes, you must also pay attention to your brows. Be sure you manicure them well. It’s a great idea to visit a professional to get your brows waxed, tweezed or threaded. A pro can help you shape them properly. In between pro visits you can maintain them by tweezing. If you have a slight arch to your brows, you will find your eyes look larger.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Hair Parting: Best Ways to Part Your Hairstyles for Your Face Shape

If you’re like most women, hair parting­­­­ is something you do without giving the task much thought. You may have always parted your hair to the right or to the left and have never changed. However, where you part your hair can mean a lot! In fact, choosing the right spot for the part or style of the part can help you have a more flattering look or can oppositely make you look less appealing. To learn how to part your hair for your face shape or hair cut, use these beauty tips!

Center Part– Straight Down the Middle>
This youthful part is best for ladies with oval face shapes. It can also work on a round faced beauty but only if you have a smaller nose. Those with larger noses should never try this part, as it will only draw attention to your nose area. A center part can also work on ladies with square face shapes, if paired with natural looking curls. Many Hollywood stars use the center part when their hair is extremely long, to give it a more youthful appeal.
Side Part - To the Left or To the Right
The side part is flattering on almost all face shapes and can instantly give you a volume boost at the top of your hair. It’s great for making thin hair look much thicker. It’s great for ladies with a heart shaped face, as it allows the wider upper area of the head to visually be broken up and thinned out.
Diagonal Part – Create Illusions
Most often the diagonal part is done when you have bangs to work with. This can allow bangs to hang in front, in a very attractive way. It gives you more width and height to hairstyles and is flattering on many face shapes. Off center parts like this also look great on round faces, as they create an illusion of the eye and make the face appear slimmer. In addition, they can be great on square faces as they blur the sharper edges of the square face shape, especially when done with layers.
Zigzag Part - Get Crazy
If you want a very trendy and dramatic part, the uneven zigzag is the way to go. To do this part, you’ll need to take a comb and draw a zigzag line from the middle of the back of your crown to the front. After you’ve “drawn” the line with the comb, separate your hair from left to right. This type of part works on any hair length, from long to short and is a technique anyone can learn in only minutes. In addition, it’s the ideal part to use if you’re in between color touch ups and want to mask your unsightly roots.
Overall, the best way to find your perfect hair part is to experiment. You know better than anyone else what hairstyles look best on you. Wait until your hair is completely dry and use a comb to test out these hair parts. You’ll be able to see what parts slim your face shape and what parts tend to bring out your less than favorite facial features. If after your home experiment you still feel confused about hair parts, ask your stylist to teach you how to figure out what hair part you should be wearing.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Herbal Facial Mask (Cleans and Tightens Pores)

Herbal Facial Mask (Cleans and Tightens Pores)

1 tbs. honey
1 egg
1 tsp. crumbled dried chamomile flowers
1 tsp. finely chopped fresh mint

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Apply the mixture to
your face and neck. Let dry about 10 to 15 minutes and
rinse off with warm water.


Skin Lightening & Skin Whitening

Cheap, effective remedies! Stop wasting money. Everything
you need to know about herbal skin lightening agents.
Discover ways how to get rid of malosma, freckles, hyper
pigmentation, skin discolorations, dark circles and other
pigment problems with safe, natural methods

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Cocoa Butter Hand Cream

Cocoa Butter Hand Cream

2 C. warm water
1 1/2 C. glycerin
1/2 oz. spirits of ammonia
1/2 oz. cocoa butter
1/2 tsp. boric acid
1 C. stearic acid

Combine in a glass or enamel pan the cocoa butter, glycerin
and stearic acid. Melt over low heat. Remove to mixing bowl
and add ammonia. Stir until milky. Add boric acid to warm
water. Add to first mixture. Mix with beater for 10 minutes
at high speed. Perfume and color as desired. Age for 2
weeks before using. Makes 1 1/2 quarts.


Non Surgical Face Lift

Look younger with anti aging facial exercises, make up
tips, anti aging skin care and beauty tips

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

What`s new in breast cancer research and treatment?

Research into the causes, prevention, and treatment of breast cancer is under way in many medical centers throughout the world.

Causes of breast cancer

Studies continue to uncover lifestyle factors and habits that alter breast cancer risk. Ongoing studies are looking at the effect of exercise, weight gain or loss, and diet on breast cancer risk.
Studies on the best use of genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations continue at a rapid pace. Scientists are also exploring how common gene variations may affect breast cancer risk. Each gene variant has only a modest effect in risk (10 to 20%), but when taken together they may potentially have a large impact.
Potential causes of breast cancer in the environment have also received more attention in recent years. While much of the science on this topic is still in its earliest stages, this is an area of active research.
A large, long-term study funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is now being done to help find the causes of breast cancer. Known as the Sister Study, it has enrolled 50,000 women who have sisters with breast cancer. This study will follow these women for at least 10 years and collect information about genes, lifestyle, and environmental factors that may cause breast cancer. An offshoot of the Sister Study, the Two Sister Study, is designed to look at possible causes of early onset breast cancer. To find out more about these studies, call 1-877-4-SISTER (1-877-474-7837) or visit the Sister Study Web site (www.sisterstudy.org).


Results of several studies suggest that selective estrogen-receptor modulators (SERMs) like tamoxifen and raloxifene may lower breast cancer risk in women with certain breast cancer risk factors. But so far, many women are reluctant to take these medicines because they are concerned about possible side effects.
Newer studies are looking at whether aromatase inhibitors -- drugs such as anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane -- can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in post-menopausal women. These drugs are already being used as adjuvant hormone therapy to help prevent breast cancer recurrences, but none of them is approved for reducing breast cancer risk at this time.
Fenretinide, a retinoid, is also being studied as a way to reduce the risk of breast cancer (retinoids are drugs related to vitamin A). In a small study, this drug reduced breast cancer risk as much as tamoxifen. Other drugs are also being studied to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

New laboratory tests

Gene expression studies

One of the dilemmas with early-stage breast cancer is that doctors cannot always accurately predict which women have a higher risk of cancer coming back after treatment. That is why almost every woman, except for those with small tumors, receives some sort of adjuvant treatment after surgery. To try to better pick out who will need adjuvant therapy, researchers have looked at many aspects of breast cancers.
In recent years, scientists have been able to link certain patterns of genes with more aggressive cancers -- those that tend to come back and spread to distant sites. Some lab tests based on these findings, such as the Oncotype DX and MammaPrint tests, are already available, although doctors are still trying to determine the best way to use them. 

Classifying breast cancer

Research on patterns of gene expression has also suggested some newer ways of classifying breast cancers. The current types of breast cancer are based largely on how tumors look under a microscope. A newer classification, based on molecular features, may be better able to predict prognosis and response to several types of breast cancer treatment. The new research suggests there are 4 basic types of breast cancers:
Luminal A and luminal B types: The luminal types are estrogen receptor (ER)–positive, usually low grade, and tend to grow fairly slowly. The gene expression patterns of these cancers are similar to normal cells that line the breast ducts and glands (the lining of a duct or gland is called its lumen). Luminal A cancers have the best prognosis. Luminal B cancers generally grow somewhat faster than the luminal A cancers and their outlook is not quite as good.
HER2 type: These cancers have extra copies of the HER2 gene and several other genes. They usually have a high-grade appearance under the microscope. These cancers tend to grow more quickly and have a worse prognosis, although they often can be treated successfully with targeted therapies such as trastuzumab (Herceptin) and lapatinib (Tykerb).
Basal type: Most of these cancers are of the so-called triple-negative type, that is, they lack estrogen or progesterone receptors and have normal amounts of HER2. The gene expression patterns of these cancers are similar to cells in the deeper basal layers of breast ducts and glands. This type is more common among women with BRCA1 gene mutations. For reasons that are not well understood, this cancer is also more common among younger and African-American women.
These are high-grade cancers that tend to grow quickly and have a poor outlook. Hormone therapy and anti-HER2 therapies like trastuzumab and lapatinib are not effective against these cancers, although chemotherapy can be helpful. A great deal of research is being done to find better ways to treat these cancers.
It is hoped that these new breast cancer classifications might someday allow doctors to better tailor breast cancer treatments, but more research is needed in this area before this is possible.

Tests of HER2 status

Determining a breast cancer's HER2 status is important to get an idea of how aggressive the cancer might be and to find out if certain drugs that target HER2 can be used to treat the disease.

What are the risk factors for breast cancer?

A risk factor is anything that affects your chance of getting a disease, such as cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. For example, exposing skin to strong sunlight is a risk factor for skin cancer. Smoking is a risk factor for cancers of the lung, mouth, larynx (voice box), bladder, kidney, and several other organs.
But risk factors don't tell us everything. Having a risk factor, or even several, does not mean that you will get the disease. Most women who have one or more breast cancer risk factors never develop the disease, while many women with breast cancer have no apparent risk factors (other than being a woman and growing older). Even when a woman with risk factors develops breast cancer, it is hard to know just how much these factors may have contributed to her cancer.
There are different kinds of risk factors. Some factors, like a person's age or race, can't be changed. Others are linked to cancer-causing factors in the environment. Still others are related personal behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, and diet. Some factors influence risk more than others, and your risk for breast cancer can change over time, due to factors such as aging or lifestyle.

Risk factors you cannot change


Simply being a woman is the main risk factor for developing breast cancer. Although women have many more breast cells than men, the main reason they develop more breast cancer is because their breast cells are constantly exposed to the growth-promoting effects of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Men can develop breast cancer, but this disease is about 100 times more common among women than men.


Your risk of developing breast cancer increases as you get older. About 1 out of 8 invasive breast cancers are found in women younger than 45, while about 2 out of 3 invasive breast cancers are found in women age 55 or older.

Genetic risk factors

About 5% to 10% of breast cancer cases are thought to be hereditary, resulting directly from gene defects (called mutations) inherited from a parent. 
BRCA1 and BRCA2: The most common cause of hereditary breast cancer is an inherited mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. In normal cells, these genes help prevent cancer by making proteins that help keep the cells from growing abnormally. If you have inherited a mutated copy of either gene from a parent, you have a high risk of developing breast cancer during your lifetime. The risk may be as high as 80% for members of some families with BRCA mutations. These cancers tend to occur in younger women and more often affect both breasts than cancers in women who are not born with one of these gene mutations. Women with these inherited mutations also have an increased risk for developing other cancers, particularly ovarian cancer.
In the United States BRCA mutations are found most often in Jewish women of Ashkenazi (Eastern Europe) origin, but they can occur in any racial or ethnic group.
Changes in other genes: Other gene mutations can also lead to inherited breast cancers. These gene mutations are much rarer and often do not increase the risk of breast cancer as much as the BRCA genes. They are not frequent causes of inherited breast cancer.
  • ATM: The ATM gene normally helps repair damaged DNA. Inheriting 2 abnormal copies of this gene causes the disease ataxia-telangiectasia. Inheriting one mutated copy of this gene has been linked to a high rate of breast cancer in some families.
  • p53: Inherited mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene cause the Li-Fraumeni syndrome (named after the 2 researchers who first described it). People with this syndrome have an increased the risk of developing breast cancer, as well as several other cancers such as leukemia, brain tumors, and sarcomas (cancer of bones or connective tissue). This is a rare cause of breast cancer.
  • CHEK2: The Li-Fraumeni syndrome can also be caused by inherited mutations in the CHEK2 gene. Even when it does not cause this syndrome, it can increase breast cancer risk about twofold when it is mutated.
  • PTEN: The PTEN gene normally helps regulate cell growth. Inherited mutations in this gene cause Cowden syndrome, a rare disorder in which people are at increased risk for both benign and malignant breast tumors, as well as growths in the digestive tract, thyroid, uterus, and ovaries.
  • CDH1: Inherited mutations in this gene cause hereditary diffuse gastric cancer, a syndrome in which people develop a rare type of stomach cancer at an early age. Women with mutations in this gene also have an increased risk of invasive lobular breast cancer.
Genetic testing: Genetic tests can be done to look for mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes (or less commonly in other genes such as PTEN or p53). Although testing may be helpful in some situations, the pros and cons need to be considered carefully.

Family history of breast cancer

Breast cancer risk is higher among women whose close blood relatives have this disease.