An Insight into your Acne Issues and Some Homemade Acne Solutions
Do you dread seeing your face in the mirror every morning for the fear of spotting another pimple on your face? If yes, you need to stop obsessing about acne breakouts and scars and take the initiative to learn more about the reasons for this dermatological condition that affects a significant percentage of teenage as well as adult population around the world.
In addition to that, you should do a little research on the recommended line of treatment and medication and various home remedies that you can follow to reduce the severity of acne breakouts and fade the scars left behind by it. This comprehensive guide to acne seeks to provide you useful information about acne, like its causes, symptoms and cure, and also attempts to offer answers to any question that you may have about this skin condition.
So, let us know what acnes are about...
It is difficult to point out one specific trigger of acne, though it is most commonly caused by over production of sebum by the glands, which clogs the pores. This in turn is generally a result of hormonal imbalance in the body. The clogging of pores along with accumulation of dead skin cells and dirt makes it a breeding ground for the bacteria, thus leading to breakouts.
The incidence of acne is more common among those who have a family history of the same. Thus, people who have suffered from acne in their teenage years are most likely to pass on the same through their genes to their children who will be more predisposed to the condition.
While people are most concerned about acne breakouts and scars on the face, this is not the only body part that gets affected. In extreme cases, acne may develop on the neck, shoulders and back of a person as well.
Different Types of Acne

There are five distinct types of acne that are often also referred as different stages of acne – Acne Vulgaris, Acne Rosacae, Acne Conglobata, Acne Fulminans and Pyroderma Faciale.
Each of these conditions differs in the extent of severity of the breakout and requires following a different line of treatment for best results.
Acne Vulgaris is the mildest version of this skin problem and is marked by appearance of whiteheads, blackheads and pus-filled zits that fall in the category of pustules and papules. In some cases, these can take the form of pus filled nodules and cysts that if not treated properly or if scratched or pinched can cause scarring.
Acne Rosacea can be identified from the redness of skin in the spaces between zits and blemishes. It looks like a rash and is more common in women than in men. This calls for specific treatment by an expert dermatologist so that the blemishes and the pimples disappear along with the rashes without leaving behind any scars.
Acne Conglobata is a more chronic skin condition that is characterised by interconnected lesion along with zits, blemishes, blackheads and whiteheads. People suffering from this type of acne have to deal with scarring as well as it is quite common in this condition.
Acne Fulminans, the fourth type of acne, has similar symptoms like Acne Conglobata, except for the fact that the breakout takes place all of a sudden. Moreover, this not only affects the skin where the eruptions occur, but also takes a toll on the body and causes aching muscles and pain in the joints. This form of acne is more common among males than females.
A common prescription medicine that is recommended for this condition is Accutane that has proven extremely efficient in putting a stop to breakouts. However, most dermatologists prescribe it as a last resort due to its many side effects that can take a heavy toll on the body of a pregnant woman.
Pyroderma Faciale is the fifth and last type of acne. They can be commonly seen in women aged between 20 and 40 years. The severity of this breakout causes many women to seek an expert dermatologist as soon as it appears, which is in fact a wise choice. In most cases, this condition does not last more than a year but requires immediate medical attention to prevent scarring.
Taking Care of Pimple Prone Skin

Do you wish to have clear skin like the screen divas who appear to have flawless complexion? If yes, all you need to do is follow a simple skin care routine that has been especially designed to prevent pimple prone skin from breaking out and keeping it healthy and spot free. Even Hollywood A-list celebrities such as Cameron Diaz and Keira Knightly have dealt with this inflammatory skin condition from time to time but still maintain their peaches and cream complexion by taking proper care of the skin.
One of the most common myths about taking care of pimple prone skin is that keeping it clean and hygienic will prevent breakouts. Although it is true to a certain extent but many times hormonal imbalances are responsible for triggering a breakout by stimulating excessive production of sebum by the glands and resulting in clogging of pores that make it a breeding ground for bacteria. Once this happens, you are bound to have a breakout. Thus, simply keeping your face clean is not enough. You need to take other measures as well to ensure proper care of pimple prone skin.
To begin with, you need to select the right type of skin care products for cleansing, toning and moisturising your face. With a host of medicated and especially formulated acne products available in the market, it is easy to get confused at the time of making a purchase. If you find yourself in the same situation, you should ask your dermatologist to recommend a good soap or cleanser for you along with a toner and moisturiser that is meant for oily or pimple prone skin. Also, make it a point to read and follow the directions to use mentioned on the packaging to get optimal results.
Selecting the right cleanser for your face is extremely important. While those blessed with normal skin can use a mild soap to wash their face on a daily basis, the same is not recommended for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin. It is best to opt for water-soluble cleansers that clean the face gently without irritating it.
Furthermore, the way you wash your face is also important. Ideally, you should apply the cleanser to your face with your fingertips rather than the palm of your hands and stick to soft circular motion rather than rubbing your face in up and down movement, as the latter is much more abrasive and can damage the skin.
Rubbing or scratching the skin while washing it may result in more blemishes and even hamper the skin’s innate ability to heal and renew. If you like wearing makeup or use it to cover your scars and blemishes, make it a point to remove it thoroughly before going to bed. This is extremely important as make up particles can also lead to clogged pores and trigger a breakout. However, this can easily be prevented by using a good make up remover every night. Nonetheless, make sure that the same is water-based so that it does not leave your face oily.
Using cleansing milk that helps in removing excessive oils from the face can also help in preventing breakouts and in giving you a glowing complexion. It may be a good idea to use homemade mudpacks that absorb excess oil from the skin’s pores and help unclog them. You can also use facial masks such as Philip’s Milk of magnesia mask that is easily available in the market for the same purpose.
Another easy tip to keep your face oil free is by using rice paper to blot your face from time to time. However, it is important to do a patch test with any facial mask before applying the same to ensure that your skin is not allergic to it.
It is best to consult your dermatologist before using any cleansers or facial masks - be it prepared at home or bought from the market. That apart, you can also ask him or her about a gentle scrubber that helps get rid of dead skin cells without irritating the skin. Exfoliating is an important aspect of taking care of pimple prone skin that most people are unaware of or choose to ignore. This not only aids in smoothening away flaky and dead skin cells but also unclogs pores and removes the dirt and other materials that block it.
It is best to use exfoliating products that contain ingredients, like beta hydroxy acid (BHA) and alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), as they are best suited for acne-prone skin.
It Is The Acne Cream That Holds The Key

In today’s times everyone seems to be obsessed with physical appearance and looking for a quick and easy solution to fix their skin problems. While those blessed with normal skin and glowing complexion do not have to search much to find skin care products suited for their skin type, this quest is virtually an endless one for those who have pimple-prone skin.
Acne breakouts not only leave the face of the person scarred but also affect his or her self-confidence. Thus, treating this inflammatory skin condition is imperative to get rid of the superficial skin eruptions that impact more than just the face.
The market is flooded with acne creams and topical treatments that claim to be the answer to the prayers of people suffering from various types or stages of acne. However, an acne cream that worked for your friend or cousin may not be effective for you. Thus, going on a random shopping spree for acne creams will not solve your problem.
It is highly recommended that you schedule an appointment with an experienced dermatologist and ask him or her to prescribe an acne cream for you based on the diagnosis of your case. Regular use of a good acne cream recommended by a dermatologist can help put an end to breakouts and clear up your face. Most of these formulations help in fading away acne scars as well.
What To Look For In An Acne Cream?
A specially formulated acne cream is just what most people need to fight pimples and keep breakouts at bay. If you too have been prescribed one by your dermatologist, it would prove useful to equip yourself with some basic information about how these work and what are the key ingredients used in them that make them so effective.
One of the key reasons behind immediate effectiveness of acne creams is that the skin absorbs them quickly. Moreover, these comprise of natural ingredients, such as antibiotic peptides and skin regenerating peptides, that are gentle on the skin and do not irritate it in any way. These help in fighting acne infection within the follicles of the skin and prevent scarring while simultaneously fading dark marks.
The glycolic acid used in the acne creams unclogs pores for better absorption of other ingredients while vitamins aid in reducing inflammation. At the same time, collagen and elastin present in the cream restore skin’s natural moisture barrier and make it smooth and supple. These acne creams have proven equally effective in treating both teen acne and adult acne and aid is scar prevention as well. Many times these creams are prescribed along with oral antibiotics or retinoids for the purpose of skin detoxification.
For best results, you should apply these acne creams twice daily or as recommended by the physician. If buying an acne cream on your own, select the one that is hypoallergenic and completely safe for use by children as well as pregnant and nursing women. Make a note of the changes in your skin after initial application of the cream for a few days to ascertain if it is working for you. In case of no visible improvements to your skin after the prescribed length of time, you should discontinue its usage and consult a dermatologist to treat your acne or repair the scars left behind by it.
Finding Remedies for Acne
Medical fraternity largely believes that teenagers are more vulnerable to acne than older people. This happens due to an increased secretion of hormones during puberty. Apart from this, secretions from the sebaceous glands and higher number of skin-cell turnover are also responsible for the malady during this phase of life. Stress is also perceived to be at the root of the crisis and more difficult the nature of work, greater is the chance of acne on the face.
Dermatologists feel that acne can also manifest itself owing to unbalanced diets. Skin follicles are affected by an increased intake of fat and sugar. Though the statements have largely been inconclusive, dermatologists still go preaching the balanced diet formula to their patients.
In What Ways Can You Help Yourself
Genetics holds true for acne just as well. If other family members have faced similar crisis, you are also prone to suffer from them. The presence of “propionibacteria” is the most common cause for pimples and skin inflammations; this bacterium works most strongly during adolescence.
With the campus of medical science expanding, there are a higher number of remedies for acne today. Different lines of treatments have different level of curative properties. Based on the degree of affect on skin, therapists advise single treatment or a combination of them.
One of the best acne cures is to use topical remedies. Acne creams and gels are examples of such treatments. Some of these antibiotics are especially manufactured to wipe off the bacteria that result in acne.
According to the reputed therapists, antibiotics can be classified as erythromycin, clindamycin, and sulfa drugs. Topical medicines have a great impact on acne because they are applied straightaway on the areas of acne formation and their dosages are controlled for best results.
Further, these are not oral medications and hence they do not require being swallowed. Naturally, this minimizes the side effect that may originate from it. Retinoid, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic and glycolic acids are the most common ingredients that offer results for typical (and the less typical) blackheads and white heads.
While there are many advantages of topical medicines, it hassome minor handicaps too. For instance, bacteria adapt to it with time and hence develop resistance towards such medications. Oral medication provides an alternative line of therapy for cutting out acne. It deals with direct intake of medicines and its subsequent assimilation into the bloodstream.
This line of treatment is more useful when acne has developed in various stages and is scattered generically over the body, including neck, back and shoulders. Top oral medicines for its treatment include tetracyclines, minocycline, doxycyclin, and isotretinoin, or retinoic acid. However, you should not take any of these on your own without consulting a dermatologist.
In extreme cases, acne surgery and hormone therapy also offer sustained results for the problem. It is worth noting that a dermatologist or a physician must be considered prior to proceeding with a particular line of remedy.
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