
Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Stress related skin disorder, Stress related skin conditions

If you are under severe stress, your body produces excess amount of cartisol and testosterone, which are responsible for production of excess oil production. This condition leads to acne and other related skin disorders. Production of these hormones also leads to sleep disorders, blood circulation problems and hinders working of lymphatic system. These then lead to dark circles and puffiness of the eye.
Stress is the main cause of hampering the blood flow to skin, which in turn is, directed towards other organs of the body. This condition interferes with the cell renewal process and thus cell damaging free radicals gets a big boost. These in turn leads to ageing early and dull skin amongst others.
Stress could also suppress skin immune system and increase its sensitivity, which in turn leads to redness, itching, allergies, and blotchiness and at last eczema. The facial muscles could tighten up that leads to expression lines becoming permanent. Collagen could also get damaged due result of this condition. The permeability of skin could also be affected by stress thus delaying the wound healing process.
The medication for skin disorders caused by stress could be a two way process. Getting rid of stress and with a proper skin regimen. One has to work on the lifestyle properly to get rid of this type of disorder permanently.
Stress Reliever exercise: This process will take just 10-15 minutes and should be repeated 3-4 times in a week. Find a silent room in your house and put lavender scent before the beginning of the exercise. Cut thin slices of vegetables like cucumber, carrot etc and put it on your skin. Think of the stress as a tangible element and ebb out each limb slowly.
Contact your dermatologist for a proper skin regimen as it highly depends on the amount of damage and type of skin your have. Finally, lead a stress less life - ENJOY.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Food For Beautiful Skin - Healthy Food For Beautiful Skin

The food that goes into your body directly reflects on the outward side of your body as well. Since food is your body's fuel, whatever you put into it is what you will get out of it. Now, think about that last meal you had. Was it food for beautiful skin? Or, perhaps it was a trip to the local fast food location.
The good news is that you can eat a healthy, well balanced diet and get rewarded with beautiful skin. Of course, there are also plenty of myths out there as well. To help you to learn what is the right thing to eat and what is anything but that, take a look at these tips for healthy skin.
  • Add in a well balanced diet. Yes, you have heard it before but a well balanced diet is essential for beautiful skin. You don't have to eat raw vegetables and boring foods, but you do need to eat your share of vitamins and nutrients.
  • For wrinkle prevention, you can add some carrots to your diet. If you do not like them, go ahead and grate them up and place them in your salad or even in your tomato sauce. You won't really taste them but they will get into you. Do the same thing with fresh spinach. Add them to a salad, get the rewards of wrinkle free skin and don't worry about it.
  • Eating chocolate or greasy French fries does not cause acne! This is a just a myth that is out there. Yet, many people should avoid these foods anyway. To get rid of acne that you have, eat a well balanced diet that is rich in antioxidants. There is no fighting the fact that you may gain some weight with chocolate and French fries, but you will not have acne because of them.
  • Eating broccoli, carrots and milk can help to protect your skin in a number of ways. It will look beautiful and it will also help you to have less risk of diseases on your skin. They can help protect you from UV rays and help to prevent some forms of cancer. Of course, they are just good for your body too!
  • Other foods that are good for your body include: Fish, flax-seed, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, hazelnuts, almonds and other foods that are rich in Vitamin A.
To have beautiful skin, start with the foods that you eat. You can find a wide range of wonderful recipes that are designed to provide healthy, wonderful foods that will also benefit the way that your skin feels. Take some time to make sure your diet is balanced and you will benefit in the lon
for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Skin and Beauty Care During Your Pregnancy

During pregnancy your skin will likely change as much as the rest of your body will be changing. Unfortunately, you probably will not like the way that your skin is changing either. Most of the changes that do happen will happen because of the hormones in your body. Yes, you can blame your skin care on your hormones too!
So, what can you do to really get a good looking skin care while you are pregnant? Here are some great tips to keeping your skin looking amazing.
  • Don�t use soap. Using soap on your face can really cause it to dry out. This will remove the natural oils in your skin. Instead of doing this, you can benefit by using a body wash product instead. There are many high quality products that you can use including those that have essential oils in them. The result will be that you have a healthy glow.
  • Check your labels. Some of your current products may work perfectly for you. Just turn over the label and insure this by looking at the directions provided. As long as they do not tell you not to use them while you are pregnant they can work for you.
  • Use your UV protection. It is very important to protect your skin when you head out into the sun light. When you are pregnant this is even more so the case. So, make sure that giving it a UV protection anytime you go outdoors protects your skin. Make sure you do this even in the winter months.
  • Eat well. To promote healthy skin during pregnancy make sure that you eat well. That means skipping the greasy fast food stuff and heading for natural, whole foods including lots of vegetables and fruits. Many of them provide high levels of antioxidants that will help to give your skin a healthy feel. Of course, you should be eating this way for baby anyway.
  • React to what your skin is doing. It is very common for some women to have a more oily skin during pregnancy. For others, it will end up being a drier skin tone than they are used to. Whatever your skin does, you should purchase and use treatments for it that fit with that specific need. React to your skin with the right skin care products.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Weight Loss and Health Center

Tips for Health and Fitness

Everyone wants to be healthy and strong.  Feeling fit and at your personal best impacts every area of your life in most cases.  It affects how often you are using sick time taken from work, how you respond in your relationships and how you feel in your daily life.  Try some things from the list below and see how some simple changes can create great impact on your health and fitness state:

1. Use Herbs and Vitamins

It is true that some herbal supplements and vitamins out there on the market aren’t worth the price of their packaging and some are actually dangerous to your health there are many others proven to be great tools that can be used to increase health and fitness. It’s never a bad idea to check with your physician, a reputable nutritionist, or you can even consult your local health food store for information on what may be the best combination of supplements for your body.

2. Get some decent sleep

Sleep has been proven time and again to affect your health which then affects fitness as most people will not exercise and take care of nutritional needs if they are chronically tired. Sleep really does affect your health status.  Recent sleep studies indicate that as a nation we are very sleep deprived which contributes to increased car wrecks due to micro-napping or distraction as well as irritability affecting all those around you. If you are not getting the proper amount of sleep, you will notice it in a visceral and very physical way. Generally experts recommend six to eight hours a night for most people although adolescents tend to sleep much more than that amount.

3. Reduce negative stress

Not all stress is a bad thing.  Some stress occurs during all your daily life activities and cannot be totally eliminated however you are in control of how negative stress affects you and your health and fitness levels.  No doubt you’ve heard all this before but it is important to begin implementing a program to reduce stress. Take 5 minute breaks throughout the day to deep breathe or take a short walk.  Remind yourself of the things you can control and try to coach yourself into letting go of all the things which are not in your control.

4. Lighten up and laugh

Laughter truly can be the best medicine for you.  Laughter produces positive endorphins and “feel good” chemicals in the brain and body.  It stimulates the lymph system which releases excess fluids from the body.  Watch your favorite funny movies or listen to a laugh machine which can be obtained at most joke or party stores.  Strange as it sounds you can hardly keep from laughing when listening to even canned laughter.  Attend comedy shows and theater events based on comedy or light hearted story lines. Spend time with family and friends who make you laugh which will help you put stressful times in perspective and just generally make you feel wonderful!
Making some simple changes can positively impact your health and fitness state of being.  It’s not hard to make small adjustments and just think how much better your daily life will be when you are feeling at your best!

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Physical Activity Reduces Risk of Second Heart Attack

Physical activity after a first heart attack reduces the chances of a recurrence, according to a recent survey conducted by the University of Texas - Houston Health Science Center.
More than 400 Texans, aged 25 to 74, who survived at least four weeks after a first heart attack, were interviewed. Half were Mexican American, half were non-Hispanic white, and about one third were women.
Those who increased their activity after their first heart attack had a 78 percent lower risk of a second heart attack, and an 89 percent lower risk of death from all causes, than those who remained sedentary.
Those who maintained their level of activity after their first heart attack had a 60 percent lower risk of a second heart attack, and a 79 percent lower risk of death from all causes, than those who remained sedentary.
Those who decreased their activity had the same risk of a second heart attack as those who remained sedentary, but a 51 percent lower risk of death from all causes, possibly due to a protective effect of earlier activity.
Results were similar regardless of other factors which could affect the risk of a second heart attack: age, sex, ethnicity, severity of the first heart attack, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and a family history of heart diseas
for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Homemade Acne Solutions

An Insight into your Acne Issues and Some Homemade Acne Solutions

Do you dread seeing your face in the mirror every morning for the fear of spotting another pimple on your face? If yes, you need to stop obsessing about acne breakouts and scars and take the initiative to learn more about the reasons for this dermatological condition that affects a significant percentage of teenage as well as adult population around the world.
In addition to that, you should do a little research on the recommended line of treatment and medication and various home remedies that you can follow to reduce the severity of acne breakouts and fade the scars left behind by it. This comprehensive guide to acne seeks to provide you useful information about acne, like its causes, symptoms and cure, and also attempts to offer answers to any question that you may have about this skin condition.
So, let us know what acnes are about...
It is difficult to point out one specific trigger of acne, though it is most commonly caused by over production of sebum by the glands, which clogs the pores. This in turn is generally a result of hormonal imbalance in the body. The clogging of pores along with accumulation of dead skin cells and dirt makes it a breeding ground for the bacteria, thus leading to breakouts.
The incidence of acne is more common among those who have a family history of the same. Thus, people who have suffered from acne in their teenage years are most likely to pass on the same through their genes to their children who will be more predisposed to the condition.
While people are most concerned about acne breakouts and scars on the face, this is not the only body part that gets affected. In extreme cases, acne may develop on the neck, shoulders and back of a person as well.
Different Types of Acne
There are five distinct types of acne that are often also referred as different stages of acne – Acne Vulgaris, Acne Rosacae, Acne Conglobata, Acne Fulminans and Pyroderma Faciale.
Each of these conditions differs in the extent of severity of the breakout and requires following a different line of treatment for best results.

Acne Vulgaris is the mildest version of this skin problem and is marked by appearance of whiteheads, blackheads and pus-filled zits that fall in the category of pustules and papules. In some cases, these can take the form of pus filled nodules and cysts that if not treated properly or if scratched or pinched can cause scarring.
Acne Rosacea can be identified from the redness of skin in the spaces between zits and blemishes. It looks like a rash and is more common in women than in men. This calls for specific treatment by an expert dermatologist so that the blemishes and the pimples disappear along with the rashes without leaving behind any scars.
Acne Conglobata is a more chronic skin condition that is characterised by interconnected lesion along with zits, blemishes, blackheads and whiteheads. People suffering from this type of acne have to deal with scarring as well as it is quite common in this condition.
Acne Fulminans, the fourth type of acne, has similar symptoms like Acne Conglobata, except for the fact that the breakout takes place all of a sudden. Moreover, this not only affects the skin where the eruptions occur, but also takes a toll on the body and causes aching muscles and pain in the joints. This form of acne is more common among males than females.
A common prescription medicine that is recommended for this condition is Accutane that has proven extremely efficient in putting a stop to breakouts. However, most dermatologists prescribe it as a last resort due to its many side effects that can take a heavy toll on the body of a pregnant woman.
Pyroderma Faciale is the fifth and last type of acne. They can be commonly seen in women aged between 20 and 40 years. The severity of this breakout causes many women to seek an expert dermatologist as soon as it appears, which is in fact a wise choice. In most cases, this condition does not last more than a year but requires immediate medical attention to prevent scarring.
Taking Care of Pimple Prone Skin
Do you wish to have clear skin like the screen divas who appear to have flawless complexion? If yes, all you need to do is follow a simple skin care routine that has been especially designed to prevent pimple prone skin from breaking out and keeping it healthy and spot free. Even Hollywood A-list celebrities such as Cameron Diaz and Keira Knightly have dealt with this inflammatory skin condition from time to time but still maintain their peaches and cream complexion by taking proper care of the skin.
One of the most common myths about taking care of pimple prone skin is that keeping it clean and hygienic will prevent breakouts. Although it is true to a certain extent but many times hormonal imbalances are responsible for triggering a breakout by stimulating excessive production of sebum by the glands and resulting in clogging of pores that make it a breeding ground for bacteria. Once this happens, you are bound to have a breakout. Thus, simply keeping your face clean is not enough. You need to take other measures as well to ensure proper care of pimple prone skin.
To begin with, you need to select the right type of skin care products for cleansing, toning and moisturising your face. With a host of medicated and especially formulated acne products available in the market, it is easy to get confused at the time of making a purchase. If you find yourself in the same situation, you should ask your dermatologist to recommend a good soap or cleanser for you along with a toner and moisturiser that is meant for oily or pimple prone skin. Also, make it a point to read and follow the directions to use mentioned on the packaging to get optimal results.
Selecting the right cleanser for your face is extremely important. While those blessed with normal skin can use a mild soap to wash their face on a daily basis, the same is not recommended for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin. It is best to opt for water-soluble cleansers that clean the face gently without irritating it.
Furthermore, the way you wash your face is also important. Ideally, you should apply the cleanser to your face with your fingertips rather than the palm of your hands and stick to soft circular motion rather than rubbing your face in up and down movement, as the latter is much more abrasive and can damage the skin.
Rubbing or scratching the skin while washing it may result in more blemishes and even hamper the skin’s innate ability to heal and renew. If you like wearing makeup or use it to cover your scars and blemishes, make it a point to remove it thoroughly before going to bed. This is extremely important as make up particles can also lead to clogged pores and trigger a breakout. However, this can easily be prevented by using a good make up remover every night. Nonetheless, make sure that the same is water-based so that it does not leave your face oily.
Using cleansing milk that helps in removing excessive oils from the face can also help in preventing breakouts and in giving you a glowing complexion. It may be a good idea to use homemade mudpacks that absorb excess oil from the skin’s pores and help unclog them. You can also use facial masks such as Philip’s Milk of magnesia mask that is easily available in the market for the same purpose.
Another easy tip to keep your face oil free is by using rice paper to blot your face from time to time. However, it is important to do a patch test with any facial mask before applying the same to ensure that your skin is not allergic to it.
It is best to consult your dermatologist before using any cleansers or facial masks - be it prepared at home or bought from the market. That apart, you can also ask him or her about a gentle scrubber that helps get rid of dead skin cells without irritating the skin. Exfoliating is an important aspect of taking care of pimple prone skin that most people are unaware of or choose to ignore. This not only aids in smoothening away flaky and dead skin cells but also unclogs pores and removes the dirt and other materials that block it.
It is best to use exfoliating products that contain ingredients, like beta hydroxy acid (BHA) and alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), as they are best suited for acne-prone skin.
It Is The Acne Cream That Holds The Key
In today’s times everyone seems to be obsessed with physical appearance and looking for a quick and easy solution to fix their skin problems. While those blessed with normal skin and glowing complexion do not have to search much to find skin care products suited for their skin type, this quest is virtually an endless one for those who have pimple-prone skin.
Acne breakouts not only leave the face of the person scarred but also affect his or her self-confidence. Thus, treating this inflammatory skin condition is imperative to get rid of the superficial skin eruptions that impact more than just the face.
The market is flooded with acne creams and topical treatments that claim to be the answer to the prayers of people suffering from various types or stages of acne. However, an acne cream that worked for your friend or cousin may not be effective for you. Thus, going on a random shopping spree for acne creams will not solve your problem.
It is highly recommended that you schedule an appointment with an experienced dermatologist and ask him or her to prescribe an acne cream for you based on the diagnosis of your case. Regular use of a good acne cream recommended by a dermatologist can help put an end to breakouts and clear up your face. Most of these formulations help in fading away acne scars as well.
What To Look For In An Acne Cream?
A specially formulated acne cream is just what most people need to fight pimples and keep breakouts at bay. If you too have been prescribed one by your dermatologist, it would prove useful to equip yourself with some basic information about how these work and what are the key ingredients used in them that make them so effective.
One of the key reasons behind immediate effectiveness of acne creams is that the skin absorbs them quickly. Moreover, these comprise of natural ingredients, such as antibiotic peptides and skin regenerating peptides, that are gentle on the skin and do not irritate it in any way. These help in fighting acne infection within the follicles of the skin and prevent scarring while simultaneously fading dark marks.
The glycolic acid used in the acne creams unclogs pores for better absorption of other ingredients while vitamins aid in reducing inflammation. At the same time, collagen and elastin present in the cream restore skin’s natural moisture barrier and make it smooth and supple. These acne creams have proven equally effective in treating both teen acne and adult acne and aid is scar prevention as well. Many times these creams are prescribed along with oral antibiotics or retinoids for the purpose of skin detoxification.
For best results, you should apply these acne creams twice daily or as recommended by the physician. If buying an acne cream on your own, select the one that is hypoallergenic and completely safe for use by children as well as pregnant and nursing women. Make a note of the changes in your skin after initial application of the cream for a few days to ascertain if it is working for you. In case of no visible improvements to your skin after the prescribed length of time, you should discontinue its usage and consult a dermatologist to treat your acne or repair the scars left behind by it.
Finding Remedies for Acne
Medical fraternity largely believes that teenagers are more vulnerable to acne than older people. This happens due to an increased secretion of hormones during puberty. Apart from this, secretions from the sebaceous glands and higher number of skin-cell turnover are also responsible for the malady during this phase of life. Stress is also perceived to be at the root of the crisis and more difficult the nature of work, greater is the chance of acne on the face.
Dermatologists feel that acne can also manifest itself owing to unbalanced diets. Skin follicles are affected by an increased intake of fat and sugar. Though the statements have largely been inconclusive, dermatologists still go preaching the balanced diet formula to their patients.
In What Ways Can You Help Yourself
Genetics holds true for acne just as well. If other family members have faced similar crisis, you are also prone to suffer from them. The presence of “propionibacteria” is the most common cause for pimples and skin inflammations; this bacterium works most strongly during adolescence.
With the campus of medical science expanding, there are a higher number of remedies for acne today. Different lines of treatments have different level of curative properties. Based on the degree of affect on skin, therapists advise single treatment or a combination of them.
One of the best acne cures is to use topical remedies. Acne creams and gels are examples of such treatments. Some of these antibiotics are especially manufactured to wipe off the bacteria that result in acne.
According to the reputed therapists, antibiotics can be classified as erythromycin, clindamycin, and sulfa drugs. Topical medicines have a great impact on acne because they are applied straightaway on the areas of acne formation and their dosages are controlled for best results.
Further, these are not oral medications and hence they do not require being swallowed. Naturally, this minimizes the side effect that may originate from it. Retinoid, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic and glycolic acids are the most common ingredients that offer results for typical (and the less typical) blackheads and white heads.
While there are many advantages of topical medicines, it hassome minor handicaps too. For instance, bacteria adapt to it with time and hence develop resistance towards such medications. Oral medication provides an alternative line of therapy for cutting out acne. It deals with direct intake of medicines and its subsequent assimilation into the bloodstream.
This line of treatment is more useful when acne has developed in various stages and is scattered generically over the body, including neck, back and shoulders. Top oral medicines for its treatment include tetracyclines, minocycline, doxycyclin, and isotretinoin, or retinoic acid. However, you should not take any of these on your own without consulting a dermatologist.
In extreme cases, acne surgery and hormone therapy also offer sustained results for the problem. It is worth noting that a dermatologist or a physician must be considered prior to proceeding with a particular line of remedy.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com



o you’ve heard this a zillion times but it’s actually what really it takes to look as smashing as a super model. And the clichéd phrase is “Dress right for your type.” Just what exactly it means literally is known by all but life would be much easier if it were spelt out. Finally, here it is your complete handbook to being fashionably dressed.

  • Figure out your body type: once you know what body type you are you can read tips exactly for your kind.
  • Follow tips specific to your size (weight and height) and age as well.


  • Always try to wear free flowing fabrics in one tone to achieve a long and slim look. Try fabrics like chiffon or georgette for dresses.
  • Please wear only your size. Oversized clothes never have or will make look anyone any good. Stay away from anything that’s baggy or exaggerated as far as size goes no matter how comfortable.
  • Be careful while adding on accessories. Never add on anything just for heck of it. Your accessories speak more about you than your clothes do. So watch out there.
  • Make sure whatever jeweler you wear blends well with your ensemble.
  • Wear belts only if you have an extremely thin waist. (I know this is a hard one.)
  • Wear clothes you are comfortable in and that reflect your personality. You’ll undoubtedly look your best in them.
  • Cleverly accessorize your look by adding a scarf or a stole for the added effect.
  • Before picking up your clothes read the wash care and after care instructions carefully. Never buy on an impulse something that might cost you more than its cost for maintenance.
  • Invest in a basic wardrobe, shoes, and bags. Mix and match the rest of the things picked up every season or even stuff picked up from flea markets.
  • Form your own style statements and avoid following fashion trends blindly. Always have a back-up classic wardrobe and experiment with new things only to an extent.


Fashion tips for petite women:

  • If you’ve a short neck avoid wearing high collared clothes. Avoid short necklaces too. To elongate your neck, wear a deep neck and a long necklace that falls few inches above your navel.
  • Wearing shoes with strings will make you appear even shorter. Avoid that at all costs. Wearing an open shoe with nothing at the ankle, just a strap to hold the toes together will make your legs look longer.
  • Do not wear over all prints. They’ll make you thinner. Wear prints that have something here or there and preferably over your figure’s assets (like well shapes abs, tones arms, etc) to catch more attention in that area.
  • Add a belt or a scarf to your skirt or pants that hangs downward toward your legs. It will add height to them.
  • Wear contrasting colors and fitted lines to flatter your figure.

Fashion tips for tall women:

  • You can indulge in everything to be avoided by petite women. And stay away from all suggestions made to them.
  • To cut height around your waist area wear your tops over pants or skirts.
  • Big belts will work fine for you just don’t wear them too tight.
  • Avoid very short skirts. They’ll show off your never-ending legs and will add height.
  • Similarly very long skirts will make your taller.

Fashion tips for pear-shaped women (heavy on the lower body):

  • Vertical lines will definitely slim you down.
  • Wear a lighter color on top and a really dark shade on your lower body. This way the light colored top catches more attention and your dark lower remains unnoticed.
  • Remember to make your bottom smaller you can add broadness to your upper body to make your look more proportionate and thinner down below. E.g.: wear dresses or tops with small soft shoulder pads.
  • Avoid skirts that are tapered. Free flowing a-line skirts and dresses are the key to camouflage saddlebags.

Fashion tips for apple-shaped women (heavy on the top):

  • Avoid tops with a lot of detailing and ruffling or rouching. Keep it simple and clean with soft flowing fabrics.
  • Do not wear very tight or clingy synthetic tops that enhance your problematic areas.
  • Go for light colors for you lowers and wear darker shades on top.
  • Use detailing, pleating, etc on your skirt or pant to attract attention there.
  • V-necks will make your bosoms look smaller.
  • Wear a wrap top to cover your stomach. Using layering in the same color and fabric here will have a slimming effect.
  • Under no circumstances wear anything shoulder padded. Wear thin and light materials on top only.
Now whether you are tall or small, fat, or thin on top or bottom you know the basics to follow and dress right for your type. Start experimenting, suit your personal needs, and make new rules that work even better. Happy shopping!

 for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Monday, 8 August 2011

Lose Weight by Eating More

Has it ever occurred to you that you may not be eating enough food? The average North American woman is not eating enough, which is a result of frequent dieting, fear of overeating, and busy schedules. This seems a bit bizarre, considering the average American is also overweight. Is there a correlation?
I believe there is a direct correlation and there are other experts and research that backs this up. When you don't eat enough, your body doesn't get enough calories to fuel its energy requirements.
To manage this imbalance your body has to adapt by lowering your metabolic rate. It does this to survive what is perceived as a food shortage, and when your body is in this state it also begins to hoard fat. The more often your body is in a food shortage mode, the more the body anticipates future food shortages and becomes a fat storing machine, ensuring that when you do get enough food some of it gets stored as fat. Do you think that has happened to you?
Unfortunately, the body is quick to store fat, but reluctant to use it - unless it experiences an extended food shortage or famine (usually an extreme diet). At this point, the body is even quicker to rebuild its fat stores after the food shortage is over, in case it is needed for an even longer famine.
For this reason, frequent dieters have less success and more weight gain with each successive diet. I hear this all the time from people that don't understand why it was once so easy to lose weight on a diet, and now they can't seem to lose anything on a diet and are hitting their all-time high weight levels. They feel like they are failing at dieting.
They are not failing - the diet is failing them. Diets are one of the primary causes of obesity; because they put the body into a starvation mode and ultimately accelerate fat-storing that is difficult to stop once the metabolic rate has been lowered.
When you do not eat enough food, you may also experience exhaustion, weakness, lack of motivation, headaches, lack of concentration, irritability, or possibly depression or moodiness. Food is fuel for the cells in our body, and the brain is particularly affected when it doesn't get enough carbohydrates - its only source of fuel. So if you aren't feeling that well, maybe you aren't eating enough food or enough carbohydrates balanced with protein and fat. Many people who did the Atkins diet found that they didn't think as clearly and got easily fatigued when on the diet, and that is because they weren't getting enough carbohydrates - the body's primary source of fuel. If you did a low carb diet, did you notice any change in your moods, concentration or energy levels?
Another indicator that you might not be getting enough food is if you've been sick a lot, become prone to injuries or stress fractures, or even missed menstrual cycles. Again, food is what fuels our cells and gives us the vitamins and minerals we need to stay healthy. When we don't get enough, it affects our internal functions, immune system and even bone density, because the body will start to break down muscle, bone and tissue to get any fuel that is stored in these places to survive.
There is a reason food is called energy or fuel, and that is because every cell in our body needs that fuel as energy to function properly. We are an amazing physical machine that burns energy efficiently to keep us both healthy and alive. But when we don't give our body enough fuel, it doesn't work as well.
One of the things that can happen when you deprive yourself of food is an uncontrollable urge to overeat. This is called the deprivation backlash and it can drive you to eat more than you want or need. What is interesting is most people are driven to overeat carbohydrates when they don't eat enough, and it actually makes sense. When you don't get enough food, you have both a physical and emotional response. Physically, the body gets desperate for more fuel and carbohydrates (particularly simple carbs) is the fastest way to get it, and emotionally, if you've been deprived of carbs you will become more obsessed with them. When was the last time you experienced this?
So this week pay attention to whether you are getting enough to eat. Notice if you are skipping meals and then overeating later, or if you are in a diet mentality and limiting how much you feed yourself. It is best to eat when you are hungry and stop before you are full, letting your body signal you on how much is enough. Try listening to your hunger signals to govern how much food is right for you.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Are You Wearing the Right Sized Bra?.com

Numerous media reports cite studies that claim more than 80% of women are wearing the wrong sized bra. Do you know whether your bra fits correctly? And does it really matter?
Wearing the correct bra size does matter, especially for older and curvier women. Younger women can get away without wearing a bra, or wearing one that doesn't support them properly, as their young muscles and tendons keep things in place. But as we age, proper support becomes vital. Besides, an ill fitting bra under a T-shirt or close fitting top is just plain ugly.
There are other, potentially more serious problems with ill-fitting bras, especially if you have a curvy figure. Breasts that are not properly supported can lead to problems with your back and shoulders as well as cause skin irritation. If you have never been properly fitted, why not try it? You may well find the bras you buy in the future will completely change how you carry yourself, bringing your shoulders back and boosting your self-esteem considerably.
Although many women are wearing bras that do not fit them correctly, many of us have the tendency to consistently buy the same size.
Often the best thing to do is keep trying on bras until you find one that fits properly and provides the support you need. Avoid relying too much on a tape measure, for in today's market, there are many variables in bra manufacturing.
Those variables include: fabric type, how the fabric is cut, level of support/elasticity, design, cup style (full cup, balconette, demi-bra, strapless, bustier etc.), variations in sizing between brands, variations in sizing conventions in different countries, variables in the production process, and fashion sizing (i.e.: putting smaller sizes on the label than the garment actually is …)
…and all this before you even start to consider how your own body alters over the course of the day, the month, the year, or events such as pregnancy, measurable weight loss or gain, or surgery.
Thus the best way of finding the right bra is to try on as many as necessary until you are happy with the fit, comfort, and look. If a bra is right for you, it will:
1. Feel comfortable - there will be no red marks or wheals
2. The back band will be parallel with the front band.
3. If it is underwired, the underwires will sit comfortably at the back of the breast without digging in. The front of the underwires will sit comfortably between your breasts and rest against your breast bone.
4. The cups will be full - not overflowing, and not sagging.
5. The straps will not cut in, and they won't slip down.
When you have bought the right bra for you, follow the care instructions to keep it doing its job as long as possible. Bras usually only have an effective life of around 5/6 months and will lose some elasticity each time they are washed. You will probably need to alter the straps and the hook position over that time to compensate for this.
Yes, there are too many women wearing the wrong sized bra. And yes, it does matter. There are many bras to choose from, so enjoy your search!

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Make Your New Year's Fitness Resolution Stick

If you are like most North Americans, you made at least one New Year's resolution. And, if you are like the majority of these promise-makers, at least one resolution is probably related to health and fitness. In a recent study of New Year's resolutions, 55 percent promised to eat healthier, 50 percent resolved to exercise more, and 38 percent wanted to lose weight.
While resolutions are well-intentioned, unfortunately most people fail at keeping them. With all the hype surrounding these promises, it's easy to get caught up in the hype without taking them seriously.
So, what is the secret to successful resolutions? While you can't wave a magic wand and make your resolution come true, there are some easy steps to take that will make it easier to fulfill your promise to yourself.
Choose an obtainable goal.
Resolving to look like a super model is not realistic for the majority of us, but promising to include daily physical activity in our lives is very possible.
Avoid choosing a resolution that you've been unsuccessful at achieving year after year.
This will only set you up for failure, frustration and disappointment. If you are still tempted to make a promise that you've made before, try altering it. For example, instead of stating that you are going to lose 30 pounds, try promising to eat healthier and increase your weekly exercise.
Create a game plan.
At the beginning of January, write a comprehensive plan. All successful businesses start with a business plan that describes their mission and specifics on how they will achieve it. Write your own personal plan and you'll be more likely to succeed as well.
Break it down and make it less intimidating.
Rather than one BIG end goal, dissect it into smaller pieces. Set several smaller goals to achieve throughout the year that will help you reach the ultimate goal. Then, even if you are unable to reach your final goal, you will have many smaller, but still significant, achievements along the way.
For example, if your goal is to complete a 10K race, your smaller goals could be running a 5K in less than 30 minutes, adding upper and lower body strength training to increase your muscular endurance, and running 2 miles with a personal best completion time.
Ask friends and family members to help you so you have someone to be accountable to.
Just be sure to set limits so that this doesn't backfire and become more irritating than helpful. For example, if you resolve to be more positive ask them to gently remind you when you start talking negatively.
Reward yourself with each milestone.
If you've stuck with your resolution for 2 months, treat yourself to something special. But, be careful of your reward type. If you've lost 5 pounds, don't give yourself a piece of cake as an award. Instead, treat yourself to something non-food related, like a professional massage.
Don't go it alone!
Get professional assistance. Everyone needs help and sometimes a friend just isn't enough. Sometimes you need the help of a trained professional. Don't feel that seeking help is a way of copping out. Especially when it comes to fitness, research studies have shown that assistance from a fitness professional greatly improves people's success rate.
Limit your number of promises.
You'll spread yourself too thin trying to make multiple changes in your life. This will just lead to failure of all of the resolutions.
On average, only about 20% of us keep our New Year's resolutions. Unfortunately, some of the biggest failures are found in fitness resolutions. But don't let the statistics get you down. By following the tips in this article you'll equip yourself for success.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Summer Beauty Tips

Summer is a great time for relaxation, recreation and renewal. If you're like most of us, you probably take advantage of the longer days and warm weather to enjoy extra time with family and friends. While enjoying the hot, lazy days of summer, keep in mind that different beauty rules apply. Here are a few tips to keep you looking as good as you feel:

Summer Hair Care

  • If you spend lots of time outdoors and want to spice up your look naturally, try combing a little lemon juice through your hair. The sun will lighten those strands faster than your locks sans lemon, giving you an attractive sun-streaked look. It's also easier on your budget than salon highlights.
  • Be sure to deep condition your hair at least once a week, especially if you swim a lot. Hair tends to become dry, dull and brittle if it is soaked and dried too often.
  • If you like to swim lengths, try spritzing on some leave-in conditioner under your swim cap to help ward off damage from chlorine and salt water.

Summer Skincare Tips

  • It may be hip to be tanned, and it does tend to camouflage a multitude of imperfections, but don't deep-fry your skin for the sake of fashion. Your best bet is a high quality bronzer in a bottle. The Body Shop has a great all-natural formula. Just remember to use a facial scrub prior to application to slough off any dead skin cells. You may also want to use a pair of gloves, lest your palms turn orange!
  • If you spend lots of time outside, be sure to use sunscreen with minimum SPF 15. The cancer-preventing benefits are obvious, but protection is also a must for those of us who don't want to look old before our time.
  • Make sure that you are adequately hydrated - at least 8 glasses of water a day and even more when you are outside.
  • If you do burn, apply Aloe Vera or lotions containing it. This will cool and soothe your skin and help you to heal faster. A personal trick is to apply cream containing zinc to my face at night. This is an effective way of healing my burn by the morning.
  • Nothing is more revolting than skin full of little red mosquito or bug bites, not to mention the new threat of West Nile Virus, so don't forget the bug spray. You may want to try one of the new two-in-one sunscreen and insect repellants.
  • For a quick skin boost in the sun, fill a misting bottle with a little bit of toner and water, and spritz your face and body for a quick cool off. Just remember to close your eyes so you don't risk burning them.

Summer Make-up Tips

  • Take on summer with a fresh face forward - less is best! Accentuate your glowing skin by brushing on a light shimmering powder instead of a heavy foundation. You don't want to appear like you are melting under the hot sun.
  • Those of you who read my column know that I'm a big advocate of the powder bronzer. This is a great way to give yourself a pretty glow. I like to use a matte finish on my face and then a shimmer powder on my eyelids, above my cheekbones, and on my shoulders and collarbone.
  • A hot look on a bronzed face is shiny lip gloss. The BEST is "Lip Glass" by MAC. It gives you ultra shine over lipstick (applied with a brush) or on its own. Plus, it stays put - a big bonus for die-hard lip gloss wearers!
  • Try a light shimmering eye shadow in beige just under your brow bone to draw attention to your eyes.
  • If you are wear mascara, try a waterproof. This way you will avoid "Raccoon Eyes" when you are perspiring or near water. Don't forget the must-have partner, eye make-up remover, or else you really will end up with the dreaded dark circles!
My number one beauty booster tip is simple: relax…and summer is the perfect time to do it. Take time to sit back, relax and enjoy time with your friends and family. Check back with LifeToolsforWomen in September for my fall beauty and fashion tips
for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Eyebrow Dye Is Great For Completing The Perfect Look


There are many reasons that women want to dye their eyebrows, two more common than others. The first is to make their eyebrows closer to the new lighter or darker hair color they are going for with the dye they are ready to apply. The second is that their eyebrows have gone grey or silver before their hair, leaving them with their natural shade eyebrow in the front and grey in the wing over each eye. It is nice to get rid of the grey scattered throughout your beautiful eyebrows.
If you look at the hair on your eyebrows, you will see it is not as fine as the hair on your head. Not as much color will be absorbed. If you want to try this yourself, you can use a q-tip that you’ve dipped into the hair color dye that is left over. Carefully rub it on your eyebrows, but don’t put on so much it will drip. Hair and eyebrow dye is very dangerous and can blind you if it gets in your eyes. Before rinsing out your hair, use a damp paper towel or sponge to wipe off your eyebrows.
You may have seen someone using an old toothbrush to dye their eyebrows, angling up and away from the face. Although that gives some great coverage of the eyebrow, there is still the chance of some getting in your eyes and causing serious, permanent damage. There are lash and brow dyes, which are a bit safer. If you need glasses to see, or shake a bit doing close work, it might be hard to dye your eyebrows safely. Find a qualified cosmetologist to have your brows dyed professionally. They are trained for that, and have the advantage of looking directly at you while they apply the dye safely.
for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Olive Oil for Eyelashes- Grow Lashes the Natural Way!

Have you ver wanted to make your eyelashes longer and thicker the natural way without having to spend a fortune? Longer eyelashes are a sign of beauty and elegance but growing longer lashes take time, patience, and sometimes a lot of money. There is a simple household item that can make your eyelashes stronger, longer, and even fuller that you may already have in the cupboard- Olive Oil! Yes, you can use olive oil for eyelashes and even hair to make it stronger, thicker, and longer.

Olive oil is natural and safe to use around your eyes, just try not to get it in your eyes if you can help it. It is also safe to put it on your skin so there is minimal risk of allergies and other issues that can arise from synthetic products that cost a fortune to grow lashes.

How to grow lashes the natural way:

Only a few things you need for making your eyelashes longer: Extra Virgin Olive Oil – which you can usually find at your local supermarket and a few q-tips.
Applying the olive oil should be done before bedtime so it gets a chance to be absorbed by the lashes. Start by washing your face first then take a small bowl of the Extra Virgin Olive-you only need like five tiny drops. Grab a q-tip and dab it into the Extra Virgin Olive Oil then rub it over your eyelashes. Get as close to the inner of your eyelashes as possible without getting it in your eyes. Make sure you get both eyes, top and bottom, and that is it!
Keep the oil on overnight and go to sleep. When you wake up, just wash your face normally. It may take several weeks before you notice a difference in your lashes, but you might notice them getting fuller and thicker first. Maintain this routine for at least 6 weeks for optimal results and continue it as desired. You can also use the olive oil on your eyebrows to grow them as well and it is also a great product for nails (but that is another post for another day).
Let us know what your experience has been with natural products. Have you given Olive Oil a try? Did it work wonders like it did us?
for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Formal Hair Styles for Medium Hair

Have you been invited to somewhere special and you want to look amazing? Formal events require unique style and beautiful trends that still allow your inner personality to shine through while still remaining a bit more conservative for the formal event. Trying to find formal hair styles for medium hair to long hair is simple and should follow just a few simple rules.
1. Depending on the style of your dress, you should wear your hair back away from your face and either all up or up and tied neatly towards the back. This allows your eyes and face to take center stage and make sure your acquaintances can see the attention you are giving them. You can choose to leave your hair down in waves or tight curls, but it should still be pulled away from the face, and messy curls are less formal than the situation might call for.
2. Don’t force a look. For example, if you have very thick, wavvy hair and you really want it to be perfectly straight and are battling with making it look nice, then try a different look. Your hair should make you feel special and confident and you are stressing over your hair all night, it won’t be fun for anyone.
3. Be confident and comfortable. Choose a hair style the accentuates your best attribute. If you have a glorious neck, then make your hair high and tight. If you are not fond or your ears then tuck them under some loose curls and keep the hair low and back.
Take a look at some of the great formal hair styles for medium hair length and find the right look for your special event!

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

How to Curl Long Hair- Some Quick Tips!

Having soft and bouncy curls nowadays is indeed considered to be stylish and trendy. This might sound slightly difficult to all the ladies out there who have long and straight hair, but trust me, even if you had naturally curled locks, you would still need to work on them to achieve the best curly looks.

So let’s talk about women who have long hair. The obvious question is – how to curl long hair so that it becomes all bouncy and curly, and you get that much desired curly hair look. Well, we all know the use of rollers, don’t we? However, the main advantage of using rollers is that they take a lot of time, and well, time really is precious nowadays.
We mention below some tips on how to curl long hair that are effective, and can yet save you a lot of time.
• Curling iron – Curling irons are now extensively popular among women with short as well as medium and long length hair. Now, it is true that women with short hair have an advantage over the others when using these irons, getting perfect curls in longer hair is also something achievable. If you’ve long hair and have used curling irons in the past, you must have noticed that you hair on the top of the head still remains flat, while those at the ends and the middle tend to get heavily curled. This can be resolved if you let the iron stay for approximately 20 minutes. If this doesn’t appeal to you, get one of those irons that take nearly 10 minutes to put in and take out. Fairly simple, isn’t it?
• Use a hairspray – This is definitely an option that can help you save a lot of time, while also giving tight and much defined curls. The procedure here involves the application of the hairspray in a set downward motion while you simultaneously wrap your air onto the curling iron. This method allows you to roll your hair in sections as minimum as an inch, giving a tight curled look to your hair. Start by taking the front and moving back, and then take care of the sides, again from top to bottom. Soft finishing sprays or gels can be used to soften curls that become too tight.
One another way to curl long hair is to make use of a hard hairspray with a softening gel. The idea is to crush your hair and then soften it with the gels. The curls that you get are very attractive, and can be worn at work or even at school.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

MakeUp Artist Schools Allow You To Invest In Your Career

Although passion for the craft is a must for any make-up artists who want to start in the business, it takes a whole lot more for one to thrive and even succeed in it. Aside from that passion to actually create art on people’s faces, what you need to learn first are the basics which are most found in makeup artist schools.

Aside from makeup artist schools, learning the market of cosmetic products is a great way for you to start out your career. This is because the cosmetic industry is where make-up artists thrive on. Learning how the business runs and what the top products are in the market can largely affect your quality of work. There are quite a number of successful professional makeup artists today that started out as simple counter managers for a cosmetic make-up line in some store. And according to most, the lessons that they learned while on the job are priceless.
Staring off with this kind of makeup artists job is not a dead end position. If you have the right strokes, you can easily secure a job that allows you to visit other chain stores and work in several boutique events. Why is it such a good thing? This is because this allows you to meet and work with various kinds of people that can teach you how to deal will pressure, the very same kind that you will meet in the make-up artist industry. Look at this as your training ground where you can hone your skills, practice working with different faces and personalities and improve your confidence in the process.
After you have honed those skills through work experience or from make-up artist schools, now you are ready to take the plunge. How? This is by working as freelance make-up artist. This can be the most trying times for any makeup artist. This time can make or break you. Freelance artists during this stage in their career can take in low-paying stints and even offer services for free just to add up credits and make their name and services known in the industry.
As what many seasoned artists always say, the key to success is by making the right people like you. What you also need to remember is that it is not just about the quality of your work but your attitude as well. People will always come back to artists who not only have good quality work but those who treat them well.
One other important thing that you need to remember is to always keep updated with the latest techniques in the industry. The cosmetic and make-up industry is one of the most dynamic in the market. Every season, techniques and products may change. So invest on trainings and make-up artist schools that let you in on the latest techniques in the market.
Today, there are a number of makeup artist schools that offer trainings for beginners and introduce the latest techniques for those who are already in the industry. Investing in trainings like these is one good way of maintaining your competitive edge in a very aggressive industry. Depending on the school you are looking for there are some that are more reputable than others. Marinello School is in 4 states I believe and is the school I attended; a great place to learn. The Academy of Arts is a brilliant place for fashion and design, and the Make-up Designory is fantastic for cinema, beauty and makeup. We will be doing future write ups on different makeup schools and educational resources shortly so let us know if you have a specific interest in one and we will work on it asap.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Acne Nodules- Is There a Cure?

What are acne nodules?

Acne nodules are actually pimples of various sizes that keep appearing on your skin. They mainly target areas such as your face, neck, chest, or for that matter, anywhere on your body. A major problem associated with these is that in addition to being ugly, they can cause a lot of pain. In some cases the pimples become so big in size that they cause extreme pain to the sufferer, adding to the discomfort.
Nodular acne is also termed as acne vulgaris. This becomes more severe in conditions where the symptoms or early outbreaks go unnoticed or untreated. Pimples require immediate concern whenever noticed, and improper or untimely treatment can cause them to spread. It is also wise to use natural methods of treatment for acne nodules rather than using over the counter chemicals or drugs. This is done to avoid any possibilities of side effects.

Treatment of acne nodules – change your diet

Though you may come across a number of drugs and creams in the market that claim to treat these acne nodules, not many of them work. In fact, it is quite hard to come across one that actually works. If one form of these chemicals worked for friend of yours who too was suffering from acne nodules, it does not necessarily mean that the method will work for you as well.
The natural treatment of the problem requires you to follow a specific diet, and also cut on certain foods. Experts recommend the intake of fruits, vegetables, fish and seeds in your regular diet. Fruits such as grapes, apples and oranges are especially recommended.
It is essential to follow the diet strictly for the successful treatment of nodular acne. Exclusions in your diet include food materials that contain caffeine, meat, soda and also dairy products. This is because they are known to fuel the spread of acne in your body.

Treat acne nodules the natural way

There are some safe practices you should follow to speed up the healing process. One of the best ways is to wash the infected area with clean water, at least twice every day. Ginger juice has been found to very helpful in these circumstances, since ginger is known to contain anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to minimizing the redness of acne, ginger can also reduce the swelling. Aloe Vera is another time tested method for the treatment of the disease. Tea tree oil, a known cure for a number of skin problems, can kill propionibacterium. These bacteria are also sometimes responsible for the outbreak and spread of acne nodules.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

How to Keep Great Looking Hair for Guys

Several of my clients, and many of my favorite actors as well, always manage to impress me by consistently looking great. George Clooney, for example, always looks perfect (except when he's performing a role which requires him to look like a mess). Will Smith is another great example of someone I think always looks stylish. How do these guys do it? Follow my tips on how to keep great looking hair for guys.
From the neck down, a great wardrobe is essential. Some guys just have a natural eye for putting things together. For the rest of us there are some wardrobe basics that we must learn and incorporate into our daily lives. Taking a little extra time to pay attention to detail is important in maintaining a consistently great look -- even when dressing down.
From the neck up, there are ten basic rules every man should follow to stay looking great.
  1. Find a good barber or stylist. It's important to establish a relationship with the person who cuts your hair. A good barber or stylist will get to know you better and will help you choose a style that works for both your lifestyle and career.

  2. Knowing how to make the most of your salon visit is also crucial. Familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of the salon and learn to communicate with the person cutting your hair.

  3. Visit your barber or stylist regularly. For shorter styles, never go more than three weeks between trims. If your hair is longer, you can wait a bit longer between visits. A good rule of thumb is this: You should never look like you've just had a haircut. When you leave the barber's chair, if there is a white line on the back of your neck, you've waited too long. You may also want to check with your haircutter and see if they offer "maintenance trims." In my shop, we do a quick cleanup around the ears and a neck shave free of charge for regular clients. This is a fairly common practice.

  4. Have a solid understanding of different styling products is also important. A good barber or stylist will take the time to educate you on the usage of product to enhance your look. Men will spend hours every week waxing the car, but few want to spend a few seconds putting a bit of product in their hair. I just don't understand that. Remember guys... if you think someone finds you attractive because your car looks great, you're sadly mistaken.

  5. Use product ever day, no matter what style you wear. In the summer, I normally wear a crewcut or similar short haircut. Did you know that just a small dab of pomade can add shine and give even a buzzcut a more polished look?

  6. Change your style from time to time. Keep just one step ahead of the trends. It's amazing how much more people notice you when you change your style a bit. One word of caution: Don't let a trendy style linger too long. The faux hawk was white hot in 2006, but if you're still wearing one today, you've become passe. The rhyme was not intentional.

  7. While your stylist should help create a style that balances your facial features correctly, it is important to know how to choose the right style for your face shape and how the right haircut can balance facial features. Having this knowledge will help you make more informed choices when it comes to selecting a style and communicating with your stylist.

  8. Learn the right way to shave. A red, razor burned face isn't doing your looks any favors. Most irritation can be prevented by using proper shaving technique. Invest in a quality shave cream and razor and take a few extra moments in the morning to pay attention to this critical step.

  9. Pay attention to the scalp. A healthy scalp is key to great looking hair so take the time to learn how to care for your scalp so you get the best head of hair possible.

  10. Keep everything below the neck well groomed, too. Not only should you keep your clothes neat and stylish, remember to groom the hair that grows below your neck, too. Of course, you're wearing clothes most of the time, but don't you want to look good for the times when you have to take 'em off?
Once you've mastered the basics and committed to spending enough time to pay attention to the details, you'll join the ranks of those who look great no matter what the situation. Of course, looking good also requires a healthy body and a healthy dose of confidence -- regardless of whether you're going for a trendy or conservative look.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

How to Play Up Brown Eyes With Pale Skin

I recently got a question from a high school student in England who wanted advice on how to do her makeup for prom. Amii has pale skin and big brown eyes, she said, and wanted to know how to do her own makeup for prom. This was the advice I gave her. I suggest playing up your eyes since they seem to be your best feature. Apply a deep brown liquid eyeliner along your upper lashes. Pick out an eyeshadow palette that you like for your lids and apply the lightest shade on the entire lid up to your browbone, then take the darker shade and shade it into the  crease. Be sure to blend, blend, blend. If you want a stronger look, apply a pencil liner to the bottom lids and smudge the line with your finger so it looks most natural.
I like the way a white eyeliner applied at the inside corner of the eye makes eyes pop. That's a trick all the makeup artists use.
Apply a couple coats of dark brown or black mascara.
Make sure your brows are cleaned up, either with a professional wax or a tweeze. This will do wonders for your look. Too many girls make the mistake of not cleaning up their brow line.
I also strongly suggest playing up your pale skin with a pink blush. If you want to look "tan," apply bronzer on your forehead, cheeks and nose, all the places where the sun hits.
If you have oily skin, apply powder and keep blotting papers in your purse. These papers soak up oils without ruining your makeup. If you have dry skin (few teens do), sweep a moisturizer over your face before you apply the bronzer and blush. The dewy look is youthful.
Keep lips light so they don't overpower your eyes. If you want color, try a pink lip liner and shade lips in. The color lasts longer than lipstick. Sweep a gloss over lips and you're good to go.

for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Skin Whitening: Your Kitchen Holds The Ingredients

Anyone suffering from unwanted skin pigmentation or in need of skin whitening, is a prime target for the bloated cosmetic industry. Billions of dollars are spent annually on products that promise to remove acne scars, melasma, freckles, hyperpigmentation, skin discoloration, and other skin pigment problems. Some of these skin products produce promised results, some work just marginally, most don't work at all. But a hungry public, eager for a clean and radiant skin, almost obsessively continue to press their hard earned dollars into the hands of anyone posing a credible promise of solving their skin pigmentation and skin whitening issues.

Those who can afford it turn to Cosmetic Laser Therapy as an answer to their need for skin whitening treatment. Cosmetic Laser Therapy is rapidly coming into its own as a profoundly effective treatment for a wide variety of irksome skin pigmentation and skin whitening problems. But what about the rest of us? Cosmetic Laser Therapy is costly. So we're left with the beauty industry's overpriced and underperforming products. Interesting too, in this light is that like any good politician, the beauty business can always come up with a good excuse for why their product has failed- you! Your skin is the wrong "type" for the particular product, or you failed to follow the excrutiatingly detailed instructions to the letter, or...on and on ad infinitum.

And no cosmetic manufacturer will own up to the fact that even if his product formulations are theoretically sound and carefully crafted, they are still subject to the mechanics of marketing and its vagaries. It takes time to get a product to market. It takes time to sell it. Meanwhile the skin whitening ingredients deteriorate. More often than not, the product that leaves the cosmetic counter in the hands of its hopeful buyer is not the product it was a year ago when it was manufactured. This of course leads to a lot of disappointed and discouraged buyers.

As a result, many people with skin whitening issues simply throw up their hands and succumb to the lure of cosmetic coverups. These in themselves are far from cheap and do nothing to alter the underlying skin problems.

The solution to this dilemma lies no further than the kitchen or local supermarket. The same inexpensive natural ingredients used so liberally by the cosmetics industry are resting there inviting everyone with the know how to construct for pennies, the virtually life altering elixir they need to address their skin pigmentation and skin whitening issues.

Natural ingredients which remove dark spots and whiten skin are plentiful and readily available. Troubling brown spots on the skin can be quickly and easily removed with natural skin whitening ingredients. Skin pigmentation issues can be eliminated with natural ingredients. Remember, these are the same skin whitening ingredients used by the cosmetics industry. Fruits, vegetables, and certain animal products are super rich in antioxidants and other substances which whiten the skin when properly formulated and applied.

An added bonus to the use of these natural ingredients is that there are absolutely zero side effects. Anyone who knowingly suffers from a food allergy needs only to avoid those foods. There are plenty of substitutions that work; one as well as another. Skin whitening formula made in this way is always fresh with its curative properties available full force. Allergic reactions are eliminated, expense is kept to a bare minimum, and the skin nurturing properties of the fresh and natural ingredients are nothing short of miraculous.

So while the laser treatment option for skin whitening is available for those who can afford it, this is still not the panacea it is made out to be by its practitioners. Beside the cost, there are many possible side effects, inconveniences, and discomforts that are carefully downplayed. Meanwhile, equally effective, though somewhat slower treatment for many skin conditions can be otained by anyone with the initiative to take control by mastering the art of employing natural ingredients for treating skin discoloration and skin whitening issues.
for more beauty,Fashion and health care tips visit http://www.sumaiqa.com

Friday, 8 July 2011

Mercury in Home Made Face Creams

Some skin lightening ingredients work extremely well in the short-term but are dangerous to our well-being and the long-term health of our skin. Mercury is one of them.

History of mercury use in skin lightening creams

The use of mercury in commercial skin bleaching creams and soaps goes back to the early 1900s. Before 1970, commercial bleaching creams would normally use ammoniated mercury to produce a lightening effect on the skin.  These bleaching creams were aggressively marketed to black people in the US.
In 1976, the use of mercury in cosmetic products was banned in the EU. The US banned the use of mercury in skin bleaching creams much later in 1990.

Mercury absorption into the body via the skin

Mercury and mercurial compounds can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of the vapors, ingestion, or skin contact. As a poison, the damaging effects of mercury are subtle and cumulative, building up over time.
When absorbed, mercury has been discovered in blood, urine, bile, sweat, saliva, milk, and in pus on the surface of ulcers. It has also been discovered in the solids after death, in the brain, the bones, the cellular tissue, in serous membranes, in the parts close to the joints, and in the lungs and liver.

Mercury’s effects on the skin and overall health (symptoms of mercury poisoning / excessive mercury)

Mercury can be extremely effective in lightening dark spots and stubborn pigmentation but has a high spontaneous remission rate (in a number of people, the original pigmentation returns once the treatment is stopped).
The symptoms of mercury poisoning include emotional disturbances, unsteadiness, inflammation of the mouth and gums, general fatigue, memory loss, forgetfulness and headaches. It may also lead to kidney damage. Excess mercury in the system has been known to cause kidney problems (membranous nephropathy)
Skin contact with mercury compounds can lead to irritation, including patches of inflammation and the appearance of tiny bumps close together. These bumps may burst and discharge matter, which later crusts over leading to soreness and discomfort.

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